German FM Proposes Cutting Cooperation with US, Opposes Sanctions on Iran – World’s Largest State Sponsor of Terror


The Islamic Republic of Iran has vowed the destruction of the Jewish state. Germany did the same not too long ago. This is not surprising.

German FM Proposes Cutting Cooperation with US Citing Iran Sanctions

According to European Media, Germany has long been troubled by what Germans describe as President Donald Trump’s “erratic policy.” Washington and Berlin are not only at a crossroads over key policy issues – for the first time since WW2, the foundation of Germany’s alliance with the US is in question. German politicians are wondering if they still share with the US president a commitment to a free market economy, the rule of law, and liberal democracy.

By David Israel, Jewish Press, August 23, 2018:

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Recent reports suggest the German Government is particularly angry about Trump’s attempts to derail the nuclear deal with Iran, through his unilateral renewal of sanctions.

In an op-ed piece titled “Making plans for a new world order,” German Foreign Minister Heiko Mass on Wednesday suggested President Trump’s unique style of governing only lent a sense of urgency to what has been an ever-widening gap between Europe and the US.

“The fact that the Atlantic has widened politically is by no means solely due to Donald Trump,” Mass wrote in Handelsblatt, a leading German-language business newspaper published in Düsseldorf. “The US and Europe have been drifting apart for years. The overlapping of values and interests that shaped our relationship for two generations is decreasing. The binding force of the East-West conflict is history. These changes began well before Trump’s election — and will survive his presidency well into the future. That is why I am skeptical when some ardent trans-Atlanticist simply advises us to sit this presidency out.”

Mass urges: “Let’s use the idea of a balanced partnership as a blueprint, where we assume our equal share of responsibility. In which we form a counterweight when the US crosses the line. Where we put our weight when America retreats. And in which we can start a new conversation.”

Reactions to the FM’s proposal were cautious, but favorable. Chancellor Angela Merkel noted that Maas expressed what she had already said: Europe must take its fate into its own hands. Maas and Merkel had exchanged views on the transatlantic relationship in recent weeks. They agree on the guidelines, including the strong, emerging notion that Europe can’t just keep away from Trump, but must itself become an active foreign policy player.

Merkel agreed that there are certainly problems with the Iran trade, referring to the US sanctions, which also keep German companies from doing business with the Iranians if they wish t continue doing business with the US.

“But on the other hand, we know that we need a close partnership with the US, especially on the issue of terrorist financing, where the Swift agreement is crucial.” In that context, Merkel argued on Wednesday, security cooperation with the US was “extremely useful and helpful.”

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) provides a network that enables financial institutions worldwide to send and receive information about financial transactions in a secure, standardized and reliable environment. Following 9/11, the US Treasury, CIA, and other US government agencies initiated the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program which utilized SWIFT. The European Union has an agreement with the US government to permit the transfer of SWIFT transaction information which is relevant to the war against global terror.

Elmar Brok, chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, praised Mass’ proposal: “He is fundamentally right: the Americans are our partners, but we have to set ourselves apart,” Brok told Handelsblatt, stressing that Trump’s unilateral termination of the Iran Agreement and the US punitive tariffs against China showed that “on many issues, there is no longer a common Western strategy.”

“It is unacceptable that President Trump wants to impose his will on Europeans through extraterritorial sanctions against Iran, therefore, Maas’ push for a US-independent payment system is right,” Brok stated. He called on the EU states to always act in concert against Washington: “Trump must be aware that he always has to deal with the entire European Union,” Brok said.

The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the European Parliament, David McAllister, supported the German Foreign Minister’s call to strengthen the European segment of NATO in order to gain strategic autonomy. McAllister noted that in defense, the EU has already made great progress in the past two years, establishing a deeper cooperation of members’ armed forces.

McAllister called for a new European Defense Fund, to facilitate the joint procurement of new drones and fighter aircraft. “Now it is time to reach majority-based foreign policy decisions at the political level to increase the capacity of the European Union to act,” McAllister said.

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5 years ago

Merkel makes Hitler proud! She is truly out of her mind siding with MUSLIM TERRORISTS!
When you are a calipHATE do not call the US. to fight your war.

5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Amen. She is an apostle of the Fuhrer, Hitler. Germany has created its mess and its oncoming annihilation of its culture and its infidel citizens. Democracy is already dead in Germany, the entire EU and Britain. The smug a-holes deserve everything Islam hands them.

Liatris Spicata
Liatris Spicata
5 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

The smug a-holes deserve everything Islam hands them.

And you are conflating different people with “they”. Or do you think the women who have been raped and murdered by asylum seekers “deserves everything Islam hands them”?

If you limited your comment to the political class, I would agree. As it stands, I find your comment repulsive.

5 years ago

I hate to conflate the two, but women in large part supported and voted for Merkel. If you support a regime seeking to bring in mass amounts of Islamic Warriors, rape should not be an unexpected outcome.

Frau Merkel brought this on her people, and majority of her people support it.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago

Those women were raped by all of the peace loving, moderate moslems that you are always going on about. A moslem is a moslem is a moslem. They are ALL the same, the vilest of ALL creatures.

5 years ago

I actually agree, I should have been more succinct with my words. Thanks. No one deserves raping, murder or any heinous action. However, not retracting my above statement; a nation gets its just desserts via the vote, in this case, Merkel. I will be more clear the next time.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

she is worse than Hitler. While hitler did allow jihadis as collaboraters in WW2 , especially for extermination of jews , he never would allow jihadis to gang rape german women and get away with it.

Its the Left/Liberal /Feminazi pro-jihadi supported immigration that created the mess . Third wave feminism has created pussified or just plain disgusted men who won’t step up to protect them

while muslims are more male driven thuggish unlike the feminized men and get away with it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

The muzzie will be their new army while the weak among the EU men learn to be there bitches. The strong men will be valuable allies when the time comes.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

She is worse than Hitler….if that’s possible. He did not turn his people and country over to Allah and Mohammed…’s true he used the Muslims to wipe out “undesirables”…but he did not let them stay or take over his country.
Never thought I would see the day when Germans would turn their country over to someone worse than Hitler. Sickening.

5 years ago
Reply to  ladywarrior

Fuhrer Merkel is utilizing the Muslim slime to eradicate Germany’s Jews. Possibly believing, unlike Hitler, she does not have blood on her hands; indicative that the woman has much in common with Hitler when it comes to eradicating Jews but there is a difference. Christians must not become blinded there ultimate end is not far off. My ol’ mind is unraveling… yikes!

5 years ago

These demented loons will regret it as long as Trump is President.

Left/Liberal are also making ISIS / jihadis happy by making beheading fashionable

Insane ?

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
5 years ago

Huh, hardly surprising, the Germans and Iranians have always been quite “close” throughout history:

5 years ago
Reply to  R. Arandas

Yes, on the base of the antisemitism.

5 years ago
Reply to  R. Arandas


5 years ago

Why should the US continue cooperation with a new member of the European caliphate? We want strong allies, with real men that protect and provide for women and families, not countries like Germany where the majority of males either squat or sit to pee.

5 years ago

You hit the nail on the head!

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago

Seriously, this ain’t nuclear physics. The krauts can do all of the business, that they desire, with ireen. However, then they will do NO business with the United States of America. No bullying … their choice.

5 years ago

Fk them. We don’t need to deal with nazi either

5 years ago

I remember a boche tried to develop an extremely long-range artillery piece for Saddam’s Iraq, but he was killed by the muslums there before he could get the prototype working and perhaps because he couldn’t get the prototype working.

5 years ago

After WWII. Germany was split in half.
East Germany under the control of Russia and West Germany under Allied control. The people of East Germany learned what it was to live under communism. That wall was built to keep people from escaping.. The USA helped Germany to rebuild and become prosperous, when we could have claimed half the country as a prize of war. Maybe the USA should become “Fortress America” and keep our nation for US citizens, refusing entry to anyone who does not pass a regorous background check.

5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago

Some people have been saying for decades that Germany will rise up as a superpower and attack America and Britain. They started all world wars in the modern era.

I use to find that hard to believe. This is a country we saved and turned around. How forgetfool they get so fast. But humans are DOOMED to war.

So expect one. Good bye.

5 years ago

Cut our relations with Germany they have been waiting since ww2 to take over again they are not our friend. The sooner the better the United States under stands that the better

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
5 years ago

If I were in a position of leadership, I don’t think I would be putting much creedence in the rants of the leader of a country which started, and lost, two world wars in a 25 year span.

Thanks to the legacy of the Nazis, which enjoyed massive public support, the history of Germany has been stained forever.

5 years ago

Way to go, Merkel…’re almost to the point now where you can wear your Muslim grab in public and no one will even blink. You will go down in history as the cause of the destruction of Germany, her people, and her culture…..more so even than Hitler…at least he didn’t bring in a Death Culture to destroy the German people.
She and her masters sicken me.

5 years ago

Yes. Please, please, please cut your ties with America and then we can add you to President Trump’s list of places no one can come to America from there with a German passport…..because pretty soon there will be dozens of radical Muslims with German passports coming to America…..9/11 anyone?

Stephen Honig
Stephen Honig
5 years ago

Germany has retrograded from Nazism to Islamism. The difference is that the Nazis were a war machine and Islam kills by hit and run.

Chris Wolf
Chris Wolf
5 years ago

It’s a big swamp.

William Wilhelm
William Wilhelm
5 years ago

Hopefully we will close our military base in Germany and bring our troops home. Let them fight their own battles with ? Russia maybe! Who cares anymore? My German heritage now has shame.

5 years ago

phuque those nazi’s. leave europe to the muslims and let russia take a crack at ’em. they’ve got plenty of gulags still functioning in siberia.

5 years ago

Sung to the tune of Mel Brook’s Springtime for Hitler

Germany was having trouble
What a sad, sad story
Needed a new religion to restore
Its former glory

Where could that ideology be?
What could that faith be?
Merkel looked around and then she found
The religion for you and me
and now it’s

springtime for muslims and liberals
no one is happy or gay
we’re marching to the interfaith
look out here comes the master faith

Springtime for muslims and liberals
winter for sweden and france
Springtime for muslims and liberals
dancing boys go into your dance

(my name is abdullah and I like kissing bearded mullahs)

(hurry up and learn the sunnah better come and join the ummah)

Springtime for muslims and liberals
the adhan’s the new song today
bombs blowing up again
fascism is fashion again

Springtime for muslims and liberals
free speech is no speech once more

Springtime for muslims and liberals
means that we’ll soon be repressed
we’ve got to be oppressed
or soon we’ll be going to war

Richard Harris
Richard Harris
5 years ago

So Germany is causing problems again? What a shocker.

Defence Man
Defence Man
5 years ago

German government is being strongly influenced by Islamism, therefore they have an affinity to Iran ! This had better change soon or we will be into WW3 before you know it !

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