‘Sex in the City’ Actress-Turned-Political Wanna-Be Cynthia Nixon Rips ICE as ‘Terrorist Organization’


Cynthia Nixon, the former “Sex in the City” actress who now wants to unseat New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo with a run for the office as a Democratic Socialist candidate, called out the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency as a “terrorist organization.”

She then began a petition to abolish the agency.


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And the White House, in response, sent out a scathing message about Nixon’s cluelessness.

From Breitbart:

The White House issued a statement Monday railing against the “abolish ICE” rhetoric of Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon, who is aiming to unseat New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo with a primary challenge from the Left.

Last week, Nixon joined the steadily growing number of progressive Democrats adopting the “abolish ICE” talking point, once the preserve of communists and far-left groups. Endorsing the policy, which would effectively end interior immigration enforcement in the United States, she went even further than fellow “Abolish ICEers” like Sens. Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), tweeting Friday, “I can think of no better description than to call ICE a terrorist organization.”

She later began a petition to do away with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency in question.

“It’s deeply disturbing that Cynthia Nixon has no clue of what ICE does to protect Americans and New Yorkers every day from dangerous criminals, terrorists, child smugglers and human traffickers,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley shot back in a Monday statement, adding:

The 9/11 terrorists responsible for the slaughter of 3,000 innocent people were foreign nationals on visas who committed immigration fraud and who should have been deported. ICE was created in the aftermath of that tragedy to help ensure that no similar atrocity would ever strike our nation again. “It’s especially unfortunate that Nixon, as a New Yorker, not only advocates for the abolition of the very agency that would’ve helped stop 9/11, but also smears and slanders the tireless work carried out by the brave men and women of ICE to keep our country safe.

The New York Post quotes Nixon’s campaign as issuing a response directed straight to Gidley’s boss, President Donald Trump. “I do remember 9/11, Donald. When I and many other New Yorkers were running to pick up our kids and make sure our loved ones were safe, you called up FOX News and talked about how you now owned the tallest building in Manhattan,” the statement reads. “The lesson of 9/11 was not that we need to tear families apart. It was that our country is strongest when we stand together.”

Despite the growing Abolish ICE bandwagon on the “progressive” end of the Democratic Party, it remains deeply unpopular among Americans and even Democratic voters as a whole. It remains to be seen if the Abolish ICE plank will help carry Nixon over the finish line in the deep blue New York primary, but polling has consistently shown her well behind the incumbent Cuomo.

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Patriotic American
Patriotic American
5 years ago

It’s quite evident from her seditious, anti-family, anti-children policies that she is no spawn whatsoever of Richard Nixon.

5 years ago

Farrow freak.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
5 years ago

It should also be noted – and emphasized – that she is an avowed lesbian who at the recent “Gay Pride[sic]” Parade bragged that her son was now transgender. Wouldn’t that be a form of child abuse? I see no evidence that the kid would have turned transgender but for the fact that she is raising – or is that more razing? – him. Cuomo may be bad, but Cynthia Nixon would be much, much worse. And I NEVER vote for Democrats in ANY general election. They are not only the party of treason and sedition, but also of more crime, sexual deviancy, moral decay, and Peter Pans (i.e. those that never grow up).

She is also an example of how “being” LGBT can seriously warp, distort, invert and corrupt one’s sense of right and wrong, of good and evil; her running interference for MS-13, violent criminals, drug smugglers, human traffickers, pedophiles, child molesters, child rapists, child sexual abusers, HAMAS, Hezbollah, al Qaeda and ISIS – definitely treasonous and seditious as Tom Validakis noted – is just the tip of the iceberg. I think of another open lesbian, Hilary Rosen, who six years ago dissed Ann Romney for being a stay-at-home mom to raise the kids she and hubby (and 2012 GOP Presidential candidate) Mitt Romney had. The other notorious example: ex-Bradley (now “Chelsea”) Manning.

Michael Garfinkel
Michael Garfinkel
5 years ago

Cuomo is a contemptible reptile, but he is a Democrat in a one-party state, and he is also lucky in his political enemies – Cynthia Nixon being a case in point.

So, Cuomo’s parole board can release all the cop-killers it wants, as a sop to the left, and Nixon would be the last to criticize such releases.

Incidentally, that grotesque living arrangement the court affirmed was a “marriage” (who needs Leviticus when you have Breyer, Ginzburg, Kagan, Kennedy and “the Wise Latina”) – is awfully hard to discern in Nixon’s campaign video.

What ever happened to “We’re here, we’re Queer, We’re Fabulous!”

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
5 years ago

Guys, it’s New York, what do you except? The people are so left-wing that it can be dangerous to be a conservative in some parts.

5 years ago

I expect the logic behind the forming of dept ICE will bounce off the brain of Miss Nixon like cold wind off a Teflon coated snowball. She is plainly going after the “airhead” vote.

However, it’s nice to see how an aging former actress who cannot find anymore yummy lucrative parts to play has reinvented herself – as the village idiot of politics {with a sense of humour}.

5 years ago

Half the kids in poverty? How does it happen? Its called Single Parenthood !!!! Thas how! (Couldnt get the father to marry her?)

5 years ago

What no husband does to a woman. They go absolutely LOONEY.

5 years ago

Just another clueless wannabe politician, saying what leftards want to hear.

glenda lafont
glenda lafont
5 years ago

Who’s supporting her???Soros??

5 years ago

Her first order of business MUST be the refusal to have her 24/7/365 armed body guards anywhere near or around her.
PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!

Bill Kay
Bill Kay
5 years ago

This women is and excellent example of the typical Liberal PATHETIC FOOL !

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