Hugh Fitzgerald: Just A Little Bit Of News From France


I recently spent a few weeks in southern France, in Montpellier. I didn’t go seeking stories about Muslims but, nonetheless, had occasion to observe their presence.

Here are a few observations:

1. During the day, as I walked the city’s streets, I noticed that while every French family I saw had at most two children, and many had one, or none, every Muslim family I passed had at least three children, but more often four or five. Several children would be walking beside their mother, hijabbed and harried (the male walking ahead, paying little heed to the others), with another in a poussette (a baby-stroller), and the mother was almost invariably pregnant.

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France is a good place to have children, and Muslims have shown themselves to be past masters at managing to receive every possible benefit. The French system provides mothers very generous maternal benefits, both for a month and a half before giving birth, and then for three months after giving birth. So each child provides a mother with 4 1/2 months of benefits. Then, too, after the second child, family benefits are paid, and each successive child increases the amount received from the government. The more births, the longer the time a mother can be supported through maternal benefits. And the more children, the larger the stipend provided the family. Like their husbands, Muslim women appear to have learned how to take full advantage of the French welfare state. Free medical care, free or greatly subsidized housing, free education, benefits paid even if you have never been employed — it’s a Muslim migrant’s paradise. If the evidence of my senses, including what informants have told me,  is correct, then roughly one-fifth of the babies now being born in Montpellier belong to Muslim families, which means that in 2038, if nothing is done, one out of every five 20-year-olds will be Muslim. It’s something to think about. And in my talks with more than a dozen French men and women, I find that, indeed, everyone is thinking about it. But very few want to talk about it in public. Still that fear of being labelled “islamophobes.” Am I too sanguine in sensing that a mental dam is about to burst, and that it will no longer be possible to keep people from truthfully reporting on both the observable behavior of Muslims, and on the texts and teachings of Islam, and demanding that their media do so as well?

2. The richest man in Montpellier is a businessman named Mohed Altrad. He is an Arab, born of Bedouin parents in the Syrian desert. His mother died when he was four; his father then turned him over to his grandparents to raise; they intended him to be a shepherd. He arrived in France in the late 1960s, with 200 francs (then about $40) in his pocket. He went from owning a small company, then  to a medium, and then again to a large company. He has dealt in everything from computers to cement mixers to scaffolding. His background did not hold him back. The result is that today he is worth $2.7 billion. He is the most powerful man in Montpellier.

Throughout, Mohed Altrad  maneuvered successfully through the French system. His story provides only anecdotal evidence, it’s true, but given how many people he must have had to deal with, in his spectacular rise, it suggests that “islamophobia” is not exactly a potent phenomenon.

3. There are constant army patrols in the main squares and streets of the city. A reminder, as if one were needed, of the ever-present threat of Muslim terrorists. More volunteers for ISIS left from Lunel, a suburb of Montpellier, than from any other town in France. The fact that such army patrols are now taken for granted shows, dishearteningly, how inured people have become to this danger. They accept this new situation, the same way that women in Sweden now accept the fact that they mustn’t go out alone at night in cities with large Muslim populations. What else can they do?

4. The most telling violent incident involving Muslims so far occurred in mid-May, not in Montpellier itself, but closer to Marseille. Three cars  drove up to one of the housing projects (cités), and a dozen men, dressed entirely in black and wearing black balaclavas, jumped out, and started firing into the air to scare off any police who might be in the vicinity (and having already parked a car athwart an entry-road, so as to blockade any police car that might arrive). They grabbed a man, threw him into one of the cars, and then all three cars sped off. This was not terrorism, but undoubtedly a settling of scores among Muslim criminals, most likely drug-traffickers, for that trade, once in the hands of Corsicans, has become a Muslim monopoly. This assault showed the ability of Muslims to flaunt their power: three vehicles of men in black, firing AK-47s, managed to kidnap someone in broad daylight, without help arriving from the police outside or from the grounds of the cité, for they may simply have been scared off by those menacing ninjas. The incident demonstrates what happens in those Muslim No-Go areas where the writ of the French state does not run.

To sum up:

The Muslim presence in France increases inexorably, their large families made possible by the benefits of a generous, and dangerously oblivious, welfare state.

Army patrols in the main cities reflect an undeclared state of siege from within, of potential Muslim terrorism that requires constant vigilance, not just by the police, but by the military. This changes the tenor of life for everyone.

An extraordinary rags-to-riches tale, or more exactly, of a Bedouin-to-billionaire story, that of Mohed Altrad, suggests that whatever Muslims may complain of, Muslims of talent are not being held back by “racism” or “islamophobia.” Muslim women of talent are being held back, but only by Muslim men.

The daylight raid by four carloads of Muslims on a cité near Marseille where, dressed all in black and firing their Kalashnikovs in the air, they kidnapped their intended victim and then sped off, graphically demonstrated what it means to live in those ever-increasing No-Go areas where the French government’s power is largely ineffectual, and violent Muslims, both gangsters and terrorists, rule the roost.

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Ann Inquirer ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ
Ann Inquirer ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ
5 years ago

Don’t cast your pearls where they are not appreciated, or the pigs will turn and rend you.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
5 years ago

Proving that those who keep lying down with dogs, will end up sleeping with the fishes.

5 years ago

“…in 2038, if nothing is done, one out of every five 20-year-olds will be Muslim.”

More like 1 in 2 (~50%) or worse, if you take into account exponentiality (ever growing Muslim component in total population in relation to non Muslim component which has a slower / stagnant or diminishing contribution to said total population), aging native population (i.e. less native babies) and negative immigration of native Montpellierians that will be “running to the hills” away from their doomed town or even France all together!!

The next decade, will be the last decade the world will be able to enjoy what still remains from the authentic French experience (food & wine, public spaces, architecture, landscapes [the French ‘Terroir’], atmosphere, “vibe”, temperament, culture, art & fashion, language, traditions) after which (sans a bloody civil war) a dystopian dark age of Islamification will begin its reign (after critical mass of Muslims is obtained) of fear and decay… If you never experienced the delights of classical France, NOW is the your last chance!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Tilt

There is no way we’d ever return. Glad my family had a chance to see it prior to this craziness.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
5 years ago
Reply to  Tilt

” . . . aging native population (i.e. less native babies) . . . “

No doubt aggravated by abortion on demand (which, sadly, the people of Ireland voted in favor of this last week – and isn’t that country now being overrun by Muslims?), plus gay marriage, transgenderism, drug use (i.e. marijuana), etc. No society so centered around selfish, decadent behaviors (and actually encouraging moral decay and cultural rot) can survive over the long haul.

eKane Pegg
eKane Pegg
5 years ago
Reply to  Tilt

All that beautiful french art !! Mohammed hates art so…..

5 years ago

We were in France in I think it was 2001. We went and took our last child with us, Sarah. She was about two years old at the time. She was a toddler. I can tell you this, native white French HATE babies or toddlers. You would not believe the hostility we experienced in Paris restaurants. The native French HATE babies and toddlers. She was a good baby. NO trouble at all. She was quiet and obedient and being the only one with us, had plenty of attention.

Of course you always have to time your eating in a restaurant just right because the native French are LAZY and restaurants are often CLOSED. It’s not like the U.S. where you can have dinner or lunch when YOU want it or at least have the restaurant be OPEN to eat something. They don;t typically close up after breakfast, after lunch etc.. In France, they CLOSE and then reopen during set hours. I have never seen such LAZY people and I am pointing to the French. Bakeries are open so we frequented them often.

One last comment. As we flew over we left from JFK. Sometimes babies and kids have trouble when the air pressure changes as the plane goes up. So we brought her favorite jelly to dip her pacifier in. So as the plane taxied we got the jelly out, dipped the pacifier in it and she loved it and SWALLOWED. NO tears, crying or upset!

Well when we first boarded this NYT reporter was sitting a row ahead of us on the opposite side in the aisle. He kept looking back and glaring at our daughter. If looks could kill, Sarah would have been dead on the spot. His HATRED for her was intense. He kept looking at her with such hostility I finally told him to turn around and stop harassing our daughter by glaring at her.

She did nothing wrong. She was just sitting in her car seat in a separate plane seat all happy and QUIET. The NYT reporter HATED little kids and probably expected her to act out which she didn’t. So, if flying with a young child – try it – give them jelly if little on a pacifier or if older give them something that makes them swallow to eliminate any discomfort as the plane takes off. Lastly I would not recommend going to France today or raising a family THERE. It’s too dangerous. It’s not what it used to be long ago.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Liberal leftists (like that Times reporter) hate families, especially children. Why do you think they’re so gung-ho about promoting aberrant, dysphoric and deviant behaviors to our young? It is a deliberate strategy (as is everything else with the Left) to weaken, dilute and ultimately destroy the institution of the family – as well as smashing the Judeo-Christian foundations of our society.

John Flynn
John Flynn
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Felix, I went to France in ’78 and the people in restaurants in downtown Paris (employees, or not) were very impolite towards us, Americans. But we were told, back then, to expect to be treated like scum by the French people. I’m not surprised that 20+ yrs later the French with the addition of Muslims continued to do that. Remember, the French, from back in the times of Napolean, have always had African refugees. Yes, graffiti on the walls in Paris before John Paul2 was even selected as pope!!

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
5 years ago

France has come from one of the West’s major centers of culture and progress into the sick man of Europe. How could this have happened?

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
5 years ago
Reply to  R. Arandas

Self inflicted islamification.

Dave Lawson
Dave Lawson
5 years ago
Reply to  R. Arandas

And the clown Left/liberal Pope wants christians to take in more of these Islamic wolves

Insane ?

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
5 years ago

well eventually when the benefits run out, nobody will pay for the jihadi farms

5 years ago

Yes, yes, let’s lock all the European women in their bedrooms and kitchens and force them to have babies every year, that will solve the problem because we certainly can’t be bothered to deal with the necessity to expunge the ideology of Islam and send its invaders back where they came from. Women should have no other interest in life anyway, right?

eKane Pegg
eKane Pegg
5 years ago

In the west , it becomes increasingly dangerous to be female with each passing year. But youre a racist bigot if you say anything. Weve seen nothing yet , Ive said it before and I’ll saY it again , western women especially in Germany and sweden , will soo be encouraged to wear a Hijab to keep them safe(already women in austria are advised to wear braCelets saYing “please dont rape me “. Women are only worth half a man according to Mohammed , and hell is mostly made up of them due to their ” ingratitude to their husbands “. Ma ybe we should arm our women , but that goes against non violence and would severely traumatise them , especially if called upon to use them. The Uk government should offer asylum to swedish and german women, swap them for long term unemployed male refugees in an exchange deal. The maddening thing is , with every terrorist act , the west moves to ensure no hatred or hatespeech flows against muslims ,and prosecute critics further. Sharia law is already here .????????

5 years ago

The death knoll of Europe. The rest of civilization to follow. Watch this space fill up with mohamed’s sharia poo

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