VIDEO Islamic law: Religious morality police in Iran are seen DRAGGING a woman off the street and into their car


More Islamic law empowerment of women. Which is why the left in America named a sharia advocate/enforcer as their leader.

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Female morality police in Iran are seen dragging a woman off the street and into their car

  • The woman was pictured being barreled into the back of a police car in Tehran
  • It comes after another clip emerged of Iran’s morality police beating a woman
  • They assaulted a young woman whose headscarf only loosely covered her hair
  • Women across Iran have been protesting against police brutality after the video

By George Martin and Khaleda Rahman For Mailonline, 3 May 2018:

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This is the horrifying moment a woman in Iran is dragged off the street by the country’s fierce ‘morality police’.

In the clip, the woman can be seen grappling with an officer on the street in one of Tehran’s student areas.

As the pair struggle, other police officers rush to assist their colleague, who is wearing a traditional hijab, before hauling the student off the street.

They shove her into the back of their unmarked car as she screams out for help from passers-by.

The person who shot the harrowing footage late said: ‘I’m a student on Amir Kabir University. This street is close to our university. The area itself is popular hangout place between girls and boys to socialise and to smoke.

‘On my way back from university, I realised that the morality police was dealing heavy-handedly with boys and girls.

‘When ordinary passers-by were drawing closer to the car of these policemen and policewomen, they faced threats of arrest and

The woman, who is dressed in black, can be seen grappling with a female officer in a hijab

Other police officers show up to offer backup to their colleague as they try to detain the student (right)

Eventually she can be seen being manhandled into the back of an unmarked car as she screams out for help

This is by no means the only case of brutal treatment by Iran’s so-called ‘morality police officers’ however.

A young woman was recently assaulted by a gang of female police officers who deemed her headscarf ‘insufficient’ because it only loosely covered her hair.

Terrifying video showing her being savagely beaten was broadcast widely on social media – provoking an outpouring of public sympathy.

In response to the violent attack, a brave woman posed next to a police car without her hijab while a whole family removed their headscarves in solidarity.

A growing number of Iranian woman have taken to the streets without the mandatory hijab in recent days after the video surfaced.

The video has reignited a public debate on the decades-long requirement for women in the Islamic Republic to wear hijabs.

Officials of all ranks up to President Hassan Rouhani have weighed in on the incident as women question being forced to wear the hijab in public.  

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5 years ago

Every place feminist speak, rally, protest, or stand next to the evil Sarsor this needs to be splashed and thrown into their faces,

5 years ago

Inbred for a few thousand years, viscous and stupid.

5 years ago
Reply to  mudpuppy

1400 years.

5 years ago
Reply to  Cai

thans for clarification

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
5 years ago

This is islam, the cult of democrats. The only way anything will change in islamic nations is when the citizens have had enough of the criminal insanity that defines islam, then do something about it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

A coup would be nice…

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
5 years ago

What a cruel society…and a horrific government. 🙁

5 years ago

comment image

5 years ago

Gosh, this is like the Nutzi Germany. It all looks innocent and a necessary requirement. That is the way it all starts. And we should all know by now – how it ends.

5 years ago

no … they just have their own standard of decency ….

what refference do you have to judge them ..

Es werde Licht
Es werde Licht
5 years ago

Nazis also have their own standard of decency.
And if the fruit of their “decency” is oppression and torture against people with other thoughts then I´ve every right to call them human scum.
That´s my GOD given right to call evilness evil. May be one day you will learn that the love of GOD have given us reason to find the truth and to have free choise. Only cowards let other people think for themself and obey every sh*t from “goverment” to avoid troubles.

5 years ago
Reply to  Es werde Licht

of course nazism have their own standard of decency …as well as communism … fascism …brutal capitalism …atheism ….drug gangs … porn/hedonism industry …. Donald Trump … Hugh Hefner …etc …etc …

whats your point ??

btw … where did all those “ism” came from ?? … the west or the east ?????

try to behave …speak ..etc violation of your decency standard ….what gonna happen ?? …

you will be punished …. by jailing ….or canning …. etc …

only ignorant like you who think that punishment and torture are the same things …

5 years ago

What’s the difference between nazis and muslums?
Better propaganda and worse fashion sense.
It’s well within the bounds of possibility that muslum vermin like you killed more people in the 20th century than the nazis.

5 years ago

look at history …

most of human tragedies happened in europe (nazism .. WW1 .. WW2 .. communism .. balkan muslims massacre ..etc) ….. after “enlightenment century” …and related to western ideology (communism …fascism …totalitarianism …. capitalism..etc …)

5 years ago

What about those 80 MILLION Hindus you muslums slaughtered across the Indian sub-continent muslum chumpanzee?

5 years ago

80 million ???? … why not 800 million ?? ….ha3x …

5 years ago

The upper bound on the number of Hindus slaughtered by your fellow muslum vermin is 80 million muslum chumpanzee:

Please die for allah soon.

5 years ago

wow .. daniel pipes the anti islam and Sikh sos-med ….. what an neutral source …


Es werde Licht
Es werde Licht
5 years ago

Look at your Musel “shith*le” countrys.
If there is no oil you Musels would have nothing. No Mercedes or Toyota, no smartphone, no eletricity …..etc.
1,6 bill. people and just 9 Nobel-prices in 100 years ( mostly literary and “peace”-prices ). That tells everything about your “shith*le countrys.
It`s certainly not a coincidance that Musels have a phädophile warmonger as prophet.

5 years ago
Reply to  Es werde Licht

Tools/tech (cars .. smartphone..etc) are nothing to do with moral and meaning of life ..

Nazi was very advance in tech …. Brutal Sovyet communist were most advance in nuclear weapons …

USA is a tech advance country ..but at the same time also the biggest filthy wife swapping trump butt holes porn culture in the universe …

Most Nobel price are science related which inherently can’t even answer basic questions in life .. moral decision ..etc …

Inventing more tech and nobel grade science won’t cure the meaninglessness of western core …

How would you stop islam propagation ??? … by killing muslims ???

if thats what you do …you just prove my points that high tech civilization can be a depraved nations at the same time …..

5 years ago

Why would muslums need to swap wives when they can rape as many slave girls as they can get their hands on? Not to mention their bacha bazi boys, but oops, I just did.

5 years ago

since when hedonism is promoted in islam ???

the-pigs-style-wife-swapping-butt-holes-trump-pussy-gangbang-porn-parties-cultures has never and will never be part or islam ..

Es werde Licht
Es werde Licht
5 years ago

That´s wishful thinking from you that Musels have a higher moral standard.
Pointing the finger to other cultures dosn´´t make your behavier better.
Musels behave like Nazis today. You are not in the position to teach us morality.

Es werde Licht
Es werde Licht
5 years ago

Yeah, what´s my point ? A “normal” question from a person who defend oppression just because it´s from Islam.
Telling an Musel how stupid he is is not a violation of my own standard of decency. Sure, no problem for a Musel to life in the western world like a parasite, take everything they can get and give nothing then “ism”.
Just go home to Kanakistan. Believe me we are so sick of Musels that one day you will see what “Nazi” means, but then it´s to late for you.

5 years ago
Reply to  Es werde Licht

of course you have your own standard of decency …(that killing musims is fine) ..

of couse Trump also has his own standard of decency …. (that groping women by the pussy is fine ….) …

etc …etc …

are you happy with your depraved standard of decency ????

Es werde Licht
Es werde Licht
5 years ago

Yeah, yeah Trump is for you a man without morals.
But when in Cologne in one night alone more then 1100 girls are sexuell insulted by this Musel-crap that´s ok for you.
Yes, not having your moral standard should make me happy.

5 years ago

There ya go! In phase #1. 😉

5 years ago

No much different in present day UK.

Sharia Police in Uk are not willing to protect those who speak truth about islam

Instead go after those who expose the jihadi crimes and oppose their Left/Liberal supporters !

5 years ago

how free do you think the west is ??

when you walk down the street with your labia majora exposed to fresh air … wouldn’t law enforcer approach and drag you to their office ????

5 years ago

But you don’t mind lady boys shaking their butts for allah do you?

5 years ago

These women that are part of the “morality police” are very vicious. I read what they did to one they accused of breast feeding in public – which she was NOT doing. They maimed her breasts for life in ways too sadistic to mention here. Awful! I would imagine this young girl was terrified and rightfully so. I doubt the every day Iranian wants this. Maybe they will have a coup. Maybe Trump should encourage that…

5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

I believe the mutilation you describe was carried out by the Islamic State’s all women morality police

5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

I will mention it for newcomers. They put a metal monstrosity that looks like a bear trap around the chest of the woman, and shut it. This action produces the quality of screams from the victim that satisfies these demonic women in the morality police. Many women are able to nurse their baby so discreetly that one would scarcely know it. But these morality police witches keep a keen eye out for offence.

Pray for Iran. The majority of the people are sick of the tyranny. Iran is ripe for positive change.

Stephen Honig
Stephen Honig
5 years ago

So the Iranians are prisoners just like N. Korea.

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
5 years ago
Reply to  Stephen Honig
Phil McDonald
Phil McDonald
5 years ago

Same thing occurs in ALL Islamic States. Irony, Muslim women have more rights in Israel than in any Muslim country!

5 years ago
Reply to  Phil McDonald

Ah but according the the U.N., ISRAEL is the human rights abuser. Rolling my eyes.

MAGA - clean up the streets!
MAGA - clean up the streets!
5 years ago

I don’t know. These morality police might be a good thing. Imagine the scum we could get off the streets if we had morality police! 🙂 Wonder if I got it on the ballot with a citizen initiative, if it would pass? 🙂 Libtards heads would explode cause most of ’em would be in danger of being hauled off to prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wall poster
wall poster
5 years ago

I think the term shithole country is here to stay……the proof is endless

5 years ago
Reply to  wall poster

Trump calling it as it is, once again.

5 years ago


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