Obama Holdover Accused of Corruption Approved Trump Lawyer Raid


Complete and utter lawlessness in the hot pursuit of treason. Who will restore law and order?

Obama Holdover Accused of Corruption Approved Trump Lawyer Raid

April 10, 2018, Daniel Greenfield, FPM:

The inmates are running the asylum and locking up the guards.

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When the media first began to spin the raid on the president’s lawyer, they claimed that it had been approved by a Trump appointee. Of course it hadn’t. It came from Rosenstein on one end. And Trump’s appointee had recused himself. That left his deputy, an Obama holdover.

Robert Khuzami. And there are reports that he allegedly made the decision.

Khuzami was in charge of SEC enforcement under Obama. He did speak at the RNC convention in ’04 in support of the Patriot Act and donated to McCain in ’08. But as we’ve seen with Mueller, that kind of thing is old news. The much more significant factor is his SEC gig.

And he has quite the stunning history.

Robert Khuzami made the big bucks as Deutsche Bank’s general counsel for the Americas during the subprime securitization orgy, which Deutsche’s American arm helped unleash with toxic instruments that would crush the economy and millions of homeowners and workers.

Then in 2008 a promising young candidate was elected to bring hope and change to the land amidst a financial crisis that threatened a second Great Depression…

Khuzami became the Obama SEC’s chief of enforcement.

If you really wanted truth and justice and all that from your SEC, you probably wouldn’t go for someone who “worked with lawyers (at Deutsche Bank) who advised on the CDOs issued by the German bank and how details about them should be disclosed to investors,” as The Wall Street Journal noted three years ago.

Hope and change. And it just got worse from there.

On September 27, 2011, the SEC Inspector General released a report revealing that this anonymous attorney at the SEC had sent a letter to the Inspector General, blowing the whistle on the former SEC Director of Enforcement, Robert Khuzami. The whistleblower was complaining about Khuzami’s handling of charges that Citigroup executives had intentionally misled public investors about its exposure to subprime mortgages, understating the amount by $37 billion in the fall of 2007. According to the Inspector General’s report, the whistleblower alleged that:

“…just before the staff’s recommendation was presented to the Commission, Enforcement Director Robert Khuzami had a ‘secret conversation’ with his ‘good friend’ and former colleague, a prominent defense counsel representing Citigroup, during which Khuzami agreed to drop the contested fraud charges against the second individual. The complaint further alleged that the Enforcement staff were ‘forced to drop the fraud charges that were part of the settlement with the other individual,’ and that both individuals were also represented by Khuzami’s friends and former colleagues, creating the appearance that Khuzami’s decision was ‘made as a special favor to them and perhaps to protect a Wall Street firm for political reasons.’ ”

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6 years ago

Thanks for posting this article. Not too many sites are publishing this information.

6 years ago

BTW the entire purpose of Cohen’s office raid is for
OPPOSITION RESEARCH for the mid terms and if Trump runs in 2020.
Already, things are leaking out from unrelated CLIENT ATTORNEY PRIVILEGED information. Smear and destroy!

Another Justice Department Political Leak as a Result
of Michael Cohen Office Raid…

We are now living in a post-constitutional era where the full weight of the federal law enforcement apparatus (FBI and DOJ) has been weaponized for political purposes. The United States Government is now, essentially, a Nicaragua model.


6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

ALL of this bs will be parsed into oppo for mid terms and trump 2020…. hope that trump still has the fight in him for this, our country and sense of justice depends upon it!

Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

I ran across the story about Hillary and Uranium One right after the Refuge sit in with Bundy’s and LaVoy and others. 2 years before anyone else talked about it. The Conservative Treehouse is a good source. They were right on the money about how it all took place, history, land, and documents. Don’t follow them as much as I should. They’ve proven themselves to be reliable.

6 years ago

I need to go on that site more often!

6 years ago
Reply to  Daiseymae

me too…

6 years ago

Notice the fly on Obama’s face. Third world people are not known for personal hygiene. When was the last time a fly was on your face looking for food near your mouth?

6 years ago

Most dems are scumbags. Dems were paid by Iranian lobbyists to support Nuke deal http://tinyurl.com/mcake4d
And they sold out American security for few $10,000’s each !

And their holdovers stil support it , including the scumbag Mc master who was thankfully kicked out
along with Tillerson

6 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

Well said. Agree 100%

6 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

The RINOs aren’t much better. If we can get a decent GOP candidate even the GOP smears them to keep the status quo. Neither party wants Trump in there or the changes that are happening.

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

RINOs are worse, they are pretending to be what they are not.

Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
6 years ago

THE REAL PROBLEM IS JERRY NADLER! He has oversight of the House Judiciary Committee and they write the checks for the FBI. He’s an extreme Marxist-communist. You do what the people who are paying you tell you to do. Follow the money.

6 years ago

So many should be prosecuted right now that it is depressing. Look at crocked Hillary globe trotting around like a celebrity – Trump happened! The entire Clinton family has been corrupt for years. Comey goes back to the CLINTON YEARS in Arkansas!

Look at unhinged Comey putting out a book that validates Trump’s firing. Look at Page and Stryk – both are still working at the FBI with HIGH level security clearance, Brenner, Clapper, Mueller, McCabe, Rosenstein and the list goes on.

What does Jeff Sessions do? Nothing! He had clear reason to FIRE Rosenstein who HE appointed and still does nothing! It just goes on and on and on. The IG can flow chart all of it but they have no prosecutorial authority!

I tend to agree with this:

THEN, once a report (IG report) is issued, any criminal activities uncovered are then handed over to the DOJ for more investigation. The DOJ then takes whatever time it chooses to vet the IG report and come up with charges and Grand Juries.

Jeff Sessions has no urgency to resolve the misdeeds of the DOJ and FBI. By giving the FISA investigation to the IG, who is also already bogged down on the botched Clinton Campaign and email scandals, he effectively is putting the country through at least two more years of investigations before anything will happen in the FISA case.

I suspect that Sessions is being steered and handled by Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General. Sessions is out of his league and Rosenstein is playing him. Sessions is effectively a figurehead only. He is not running the Department of Justice.

As long as Session is a neutered puppy by his recusal and lack of managerial abilities, we have no Attorney General and our DOJ is being run by Rod Rosenstein. Rosenstein and Robert Mueller are friends and have been cohorts for decades together. Rosenstein and Mueller are gunning for President Trump and Jeff Sessions is clueless.

President Trump had better ask for Sessions’ resignation and nominate a real manager, a Pit Bull personality that will go after the corruption at the DOJ and FBI, not an insider that will continue the coverups. We need to clean up the DOJ and FBI and FISA abuses. Jeff Sessions has no idea how to do it and he is a tired old political only there for the title.


Come on – tell me I am wrong.

Pooh Bear
Pooh Bear
6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Do you honestly think the type of person YOU are looking for will be confirmed by the Senate? Nope! But Jeff Sessions is known in Alabama as “The Silent Executioner”. Think about it, we would not know about Page, Strocz, and so much more except for the fact of Sessions putting the IG to work on the other side of the mess. It takes time to get documentation (PROOF) to bring a case B4 a Grand Jury. A good AG runs under the radar, no drama, no leaks, that is how it’s supposed to work. Sessions had a contentious and hateful confirmation process, doesn’t that say something about the man? If those who worked with him were afraid for him to be AG he must be a serious threat to Rinos & Dimwits. Real justice takes time, I know! Patience is a virtue.

6 years ago
Reply to  Pooh Bear

Patience is a virtue, yes, but so often time is of the essence, so patience can cause us to run out of time.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
6 years ago
Reply to  Pooh Bear

You need to convene a Federal Grand Jury, before you can bring any evidence before them.

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Nope, you are right. Jeff Sessions is the consummate weenie, a no-goer, inert. One has to ask, why the hell is he the AG? There are so many embedded has-beens, Obama disciples within the White House, yet Trump is taking his time, or so it seems, draining the perfidious, toxic swamp. It is no easy task but the longer he procrastinates, these parasites will interbreed.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

I wanted someone, anyone to cheer me up! I might even welcome some white lies at this point.

Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Working on a solution. Their power comes from the Fed. If we mine and refine rare earth minerals and use them to back a currency or currencies, we eliminate their strangle hold. There is not enough gold to back cash, but rare earths are better anyway as they are used in high end electronics. The original constitutional government has reopened for business as of Oct. 21st, 2017. Not a white lie, and will take a lot of work. I have the signed document of the Constitutional Republic starting back up, but it’s in pdf and I can’t seem to share it. Do you know how to share a pdf? It’s on Anna Von Reitz website. James Clinton Belcher is a direct descendant of the Head of State of 1789 and that legitimates his title as new Head of State. Like I said, people are working on it, become one if you can. http://annavonreitz.com/declarationofflag1.pdf http://annavonreitz.com/declarationofflag2.pdf http://annavonreitz.com/declarationofflag27.pdf

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Cheer Up! I’m sure Trump knows what is going on. But as you understand, his hands are tight with all these RINOs. BTW we will never get the correct answer anyway, because we don’t know and never will know what is going on behind the stage. I guess we just have to pray for Trump’s well being, and the rest will eventually fall into the place. He definitely goofed up with Sessions. Trey Gowdy would be the best for this position. I hope miracle will happen. Same as Trump’s victory, who beat them all with their money, connections, power, etc. So- cheer up! Life is beautiful! Let’s get the best of the rest:)

6 years ago
Reply to  tatka150

better re-think gowdy… he’s another rino who’s leaving to “spend time w/family”…. i’d suggest you check out ted cruz and his unflagging commitment to the truth

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

I agree, Felix, it can be extremely depressing but I can’t tell a lie, even a white lie. Sorry.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

We are drowning in lies – white or not a lie is a lie is a lie – we need truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I know it is asking the almost impossible but we should settle for nothing less.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cai

Of course, but at this moment in our nation, truth is being denied, manipulated, conjured-up to fit the Big Lie propagated by the MSM, its allies Democrats, the Fascist Left and needless to say, Islamist propagandists. Not to overlook the great betrayer, the FBI and other agencies whose perfidy is aided and abetted by sourced within and outside the government. The nation has a deeply embedded malignancy in its gut. If it is not extricated the Republic will once again be in dire-straits, the like of which it has not witnessed since the Civil War.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

You are 100% right.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

I admire you.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

They keep bringing in their own Soros connected ???? ????

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999


6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

And do it NOW. Strike while the iron is hot, time blurs the edges and important evidence gets ‘lost’.

Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Can’t say you’re wrong. There is no fixing this government. They’ve isolated themselves from us legally so we have no vehicle to fix it. Legally we are beneath them structurally, and this has been planned.

6 years ago

When Nunes completes the IG report, probably without all demanded documents from the FBI and the DOJ, and with Sessions recusing himself, will the results go to ROSENSTEIN?

If that is true it would be like Hillary self investigating her underhandedness in Benghazi! Round and round it goes with no results.

garry pollackD
garry pollack
6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

I think Jeff & Donald have a plan…Jeff looks like a weenie…but his nickname is the silent executioner. I think right now his team of prosecutors is working quietly to develop cases… Now that these coup plotters R looking at serious time… all a prosecutor has to say when his prey says, Help Me!!! is, I can’t help U unless U help ureself!!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

You are right. A+++

6 years ago

Nadler is a ???? in the first degree!!

Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
6 years ago
Reply to  freepetta

What is that symbol? I realize I should probably know but it is kinda small. His stance on abortion is any time all the way to 9 months. Trevor Louden has him listed in his book as one of the 120 known communists in office.

6 years ago

Select it…it is a pig

6 years ago

Many of Trumps problems with people like Rosenstein began at the front of his administration. He didn’t know anyone and he unfortunately relied on establishment people to recommend his staff.

He was bagged. He knows better now and is making important changes but the swamp will fight every appointment he attempts to make. The Dems and RINOS are pushing back with a vengeance. They know they are next on the chopping block. Somehow that have to make it to the election and pray that the house and senate go Dem so they can all get Trump out of Washington before he destroys them.

We have to make certain this doesn’t happen. We need to surround POTUS with people with people who have a like minded concern to save our country. Get out and vote in November…. This is one of the most critical votes this country will ever have and the wall needs to stand fast…. Show our power…. Resist the “Wave”.

6 years ago

Obama Holdover Accused of Corruption Approved Trump Lawyer Raid

6 years ago
Reply to  taxpayer22

Gomert and Nunes would make a fantastic Speaker of the House! God forbid we get lying Ryan’s RINO recommended replacement.

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

we DO NOT want mccarthy… he was recommended prior to ryan and NO ONE wanted him…. we still don’t… he’s more of a push over swamp creature than ryan… don’t combine this puss w/mcconnell… we’re doomed!

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

I doubt they will follow the recommendation of this RINO. I bet Trump fired him. Who will buy the idiotic story, that he wants to retire at 48(!) yrs to sit with his kids? He said he doesn’t want to be a “weekend dad”?! How do the rest of the working people survive being a “weekend parents”? BTW he is the one, who was trying to increase the retirement age up to 70 yrs. What a stinky rat! He can retire now, but start to receive his pension at 70. How about that, weekday daddy?

6 years ago

This simply is the result of having an a Attorney General in name only who ceded his authority to Rod Rosenstein and has practiced a hands off policy toward the biggest assault on the Justice System in the history of the country. Every day, we hear of the criminal activity being uncovered and there hasn’t been a single indictment or arrest of people who clearly are criminals. Yet, the rest of us are told that we should have faith that all is well. The system has been turned on it’s head and is coming apart at the seems as the people in charge look the other way and whistle past the graveyard.

Rob Porter
Rob Porter
6 years ago

There is no tactic or ploy so low, despicable or unworthy that some lawyer wouldn’t stoop to employ it. Robert Khuzami is one of these, like Rod Rosenstein a man devoid of conscience and decency – and Jeff Sessions has allowed this scum full reign. No, he’s not AG to protect the President, just uphold the law and decency.

6 years ago

Oh my goodness! Another Obama lackey who turned out be a corrupt POS. I’m SO shocked!

6 years ago

Khuzami prosecuted the blind Sheikh, the muslums responsible for the bombing of the WTC in the 1990’s and the muslum who gunned down Meir Kahane in NYC in a hotel lobby. I wonder what it took to get him to go over to the dark side?

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago

Raid the offices of every democrat, checking for treason and theft. The precedent has been set by the raid on President Trump’s lawyer.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Yes, that is where the corruption and betrayal are deeply set and secreted. I do not understand why the AG/J. Sessions is so inert, unless he is a Democrat embed.

James JonesD
James Jones
6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

As opposed to a slow gallop currently ? It has been said by others that if charges and convictions don’t start forthwith, then the ” rule of law ” is a farce. I agree, because that rule of law sets America apart and is what binds it as a nation. So many of the good things that America represents have their foundations in her laws, and you rightly say that to abandon those could irrevocably change what has taken so many years and lives to build. But, it does seem as though the guilty and the wicked manipulate the law to their benefit, or by corruption, circumvent it. It takes a few good men, to coin a phrase, to get results and I just hope there’s enough still around, many have strangely committed suicide to the back of the head with multiple gunshots – but at least we haven’t reached Banana level just yet.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Very true, the problem is that if the democrats are allowed to get away with this once, they immediately decide that the law does not apply to them. They need a severe boot to the head to indicate complete disapproval of this illegal activity.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

What’s good for the goose….

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

You should raid the offices, homes, and hotel rooms of every attorney-at-law that has ever represented an elected Democrat Party member …. What’s all of this fuss about “attorney-client privilege”? Hayull, that was for the old days. It’s a new world out there.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Let the games begin!

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

It will be fun

6 years ago
Reply to  tatka150

I said the same thing to a friend just two days ago.
If it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.
Turnabout’s fair play.
Go for it.

6 years ago

See this link about Neil Barofsky the “watchdog” appointed to oversee the TARP bailout money. It speaks volumes that he could tell this story but it did not make a dent in the overwhelming forces behind this monstrous fraud:


Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
6 years ago

“Virtue in the middle”, said the Devil as he sat between two lawyers.

6 years ago

Haven’t heard that one before – love it.

6 years ago

Rosenstein was also involved in renewing the baseless FISA warrants and the Cohen break in. Can you imagine at some God forsaken hour in the morning the door to your office is UNHINGED and the thug FBI is there taking ALL your client privilege information? Or how about while sleeping at home, SUDDENLY the front door is battered in with your house being raided as you are in PJ’s sleeping in bed with your wife? That was Paul Manafort’s experience.

What people aren’t seeing is THIS COULD BE YOU! If they do this based on partisan politics, how well will you fare? How narrow will the politically acceptable views go? It reminds me of:

Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor was an outspoken critic of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

He is most remembered for this:

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out –
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out –
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out –
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me –
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

It needs an update!

First they came for the Trump supporters, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Trump supporter;

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out –
because I was not a Jew;

Then they came for the Christians, and I did not speak out –
because I was not a Christian;

Then they came for the white people
, and I did not speak out – because I was not a white person;

Then they came for me –
and there was no one left to speak out for me!

Your choice on the order or removal!

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

The Western world is perched on a precipice of totalitarianism at the moment and the outcome will depend on good & strong minded people taking decisive action to preserve our freedom, if not we are lost.

6 years ago

The entirety of the Obama cartel is corrupt, especially the seditionist Obama. These weenies have been bent on usurping Trump from the day he won the Republican nomination. It is a never-ending witch-hunt and they will not stop until they succeed. It is time for Trump to play hardball by taking down this leftist/Obama Cartel from the top downward. The Obama’s acolytes the Democrats and every leftist progressive do not deserve to be called American. They are subversives whose intent is matched only by the Islamist evildoers.

This is one reason why Americans must not be smug when criticizing Britain; if the traitorous Democrats win, America, too, will become Islamasized. Totalitarianism is and has always been Obama’s endeavor, specifically if under an Islamic theocracy. Corruption and treason are the base tenets of the slothful Democrats and its messiah, or new Muhammad, Obama.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

Couldn’t agree more.

6 years ago


6 years ago

Obamas people all need to have been run off a year ago.

6 years ago

Trump should know better. Anybody appointed by the sodomite will be a real stinker. Look at the flies landing on the Negro sodomite of theirs.

This is Hillaryous and extremely embarrassing. Maybe, like a cat, he just got through cleaning his ass with his tongue, as lieberals are obsessed with their anus.

Edward Delahoussaye
Edward Delahoussaye
6 years ago

Fire all of Obama’s Holdovers,they are crooks an hate America.

6 years ago

The shadow government and wealthy international enemies behind that siege are now orchestrating the coup by the FBI and other fascists from the former usurper’s regime.

6 years ago

I don’t see what the problem is. Stalin said everything was legal and no one was harmed, shouldn’t we take Obama’s people word that everything was legal and above-board?

6 years ago

Trump-hating Obama-Hillary loyalists make up most of the federal bureaucracy, most of the news and entertainment industries, much of the federal judicial system, and ALL of the educational system and the Democrat Party. Eradicating this infection will be an uphill battle.

6 years ago

sessions for GODSAKE… take the reins or GET OUT!

We'll put a boot in your ass!
We'll put a boot in your ass!
6 years ago

Time for Trump to lower the boom on the deep state. They’re putting our national security in jeopardy – this is an extreme national emergency. I’m ready for him to declare martial law and get the military to help clean up the swamp – start by locking up all libturds in Congress, and all rogue (libturd) judges, all sanctuary-for-illegals governors, mayors, city councils, police, etc. Then get busy firing tens of thousands of deep state traitors including every one involved in the Russia and Cohen investigations. And he can put the few decent people in Congress in charge of an efficient no-holds-barred investigation into the crimes of the Kenyan, Hitlery, Holder, Wench, Lerner, etc.
He needs to direct Devos at Dept of Education to make NRA-approved education on why we have a 2nd Amendment a requirement for graduation from HS – starting May 1, 2018. That education must include the history of genocides of unarmed people. I’m sure there are other directives that need to come down from the Dept of Education to stop the libturdization of our children, starting with elimination of all public employee unions, all discussions on such idiocy as pronouns to be used for men and women, 2 mommy parents better than 1 mommy and 1 daddy, etc, etc, etc, etc. All of the idiocy needs to stop and be criminalized.
Martial law shall continue until it appears the system is substantially cleaned up and running as it should which is NOTHING like it is today. It’ll take at least the rest of his term, but it is either that or we’re no longer a nation.

Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
6 years ago

You’re thinking of a top down strategy. It has to come from the bottom up. All municipal governments are British owned corporations operating under color of authority and color of law. Act of 1871 made fed government a corporation and states are subsidiary corporations, which is why the states are no longer sovereign. They changed the constitution from ” of” the people to “for the UNITED STATES” , so it’s for the corporation, not the people. What you’re saying can’t be done in the construct it is in now. If you look at it from the perspective of how will we go about things once we’ve won, having strong local government is the answer. Then becomes the obvious question, why aren’t we doing that now. Scared.

6 years ago

Schools will refuse to incorporate it into their curriculum and if the govt decides to withhold funding then a liberal judge will tie it up as long as it takes to elect a democrat president. look what the judges and courts are doing with Trump everytime he tries something. Trump won’t just say to hell with them so nothing gets done or things get done too slowly. Only a civil war will fix this mess. Dems are not reasonable, they are as bad as the Muslims who are such zealots they refuse to bargain.

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