A Vademecum of Islam: Economic Development in Muslim Societies


 We have previously discussed the two main fissures in Islam: the sectarian divide between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims, and the ethnic divide, much less discussed, between Arab and non-Arab Muslims. The third great fissure in the Camp of Islam is that of wealth. There is a gulf between the Muslim countries that have oil (and gas) and those that do not. The fabulously rich Arab sheikdoms, that is  the U.A.E., Qatar, Kuwait,  as well as larger Muslim countries endowed with oil or gas, which include Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran, Iraq, and Algeria,  have not been in the habit of sharing their wealth with poorer Muslim states. Instead, those poorer states have found ways to inveigle money out of the generous Infidels. Tens of billions of dollars have been and are still being transferred by the North American and European governments to Egypt, to Pakistan, to Afghanistan, to Jordan, to the terrorist-supporting “Palestinian” Authority.

In the last few decades the American government alone (leaving aside what the countries of Western Europe contribute) has given $90 billion in total aid(civilian and military) to Egypt, funds from which members of the Mubarak regime, with its Friends-and-Family Plan, was able to divert large amounts for themselves, and in so doing, to cause some ordinary Egyptians, out of resentment and despair,  to support the Muslim Brotherhood. Another despot, Al-Sisi, came along to rescue the country from Mohamed Morsi. It’s still not clear if the Al-Sisi regime is as corrupt as was that of Mubarak. And the American money keeps flowing to Egypt..

More billions have gone to Jordan, a poor country. Some of that money has been diverted to King Abdullah, who has been happy to pocket a great deal of the American aid, with some $750 million as his private fortune. A gift from unsuspecting American taxpayers. Why do we never learn of these things, or have a say in stopping them?

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Pakistan is another nation blessed with decades of American aid. It’s been a favorite of the American government ever since the Dulles brothers (Allen headed  the C.I.A. and John Foster was Secretary of State) along with many other ill-informed  Americans in government, saw Islam only as a “bulwark against Communism,” and failed to realize that it was also a permanent enemy of the West.  Those Pakistani generals, all pukka-sahib and ramrod straight, with their fly-whisks, and Terry-Thomas mustaches, were so much easier for the Americans to deal with than were those left-wing Indians, Jawaharlal Nehru, and his Marxist foreign minister Krishna Menon. The aid money flowed to Pakistan. Itt was American money, diverted by the Inter-Services Intelligence (I.S.I) of Pakistan’s military, that paid for the nuclear project of A. Q. Khan, a metallurgist who, having stolen secrets from Western labs, was given vast sums to direct a nuclear project.That resulted, as the Americans discovered to their chagrin, in what the Pakistanis — and other Muslims –proudly call “the Islamic bomb.” Not content with that, Pakistan also sold nuclear secrets to North Korea and possibly to Iran.  That has almost certainly been   the most  disastrous example of American foreign aid being diverted in ways that endanger America.

The Americans also transferred aid to Somalia, trying to rescue its population from famine, and only the murder and mutilation of American servicemen, and the dragging of their corpses through cheering mobs on the streets of Mogadishu, led to an end to that program of Infidel aid.

The “Palestinian” Authority, first under Arafat, and now under his epigones, less obviously thuggish with no-one-here-but-us-accountants leader Mahmoud Abbas,  but just as corrupt as Arafat was, has managed to misplace, or lose, billions of dollars. At Arafat’s death up to six billion dollars simply was unaccounted for, but Mrs. Arafat still appears to be living quite well in Paris, and Mahmoud Abbas and his two children (who have companies reaping large sums from contracts with aid-donor countries), and many other “Palestinian” Arab warlords, are doing fine, with villas in southern France, apartments in London,  and children being educated in the United States and then set up with businesses in the Gulf.

As for the several trillion dollars spent, or rather squandered, in Iraq, tens of billions of it was  received directly by many Iraqis, now living well on American aid, just like Egyptian despots, “Palestinian Authority” warlords, Pakistani generals, and good King Abdullah of Jordan, all that aid paid for by you, and by me.

Aid from Infidels to Muslims,  in addition to the transfer of wealth from Infidel oil-consuming nations to Muslim oil-producing nations (nearly thirty trillion dollars since 1973 alone), has been largely ineffective. If the goal was to produce more decent societies, that aid has had the opposite effect. Such foreign aid encourages corruption, since inevitably it flows to the government, that is to those who rule, or are well-connected to those who rule. And in Muslim societies, the road to wealth is through political power. Whoever controls the government, gets to distribute the wealth, and also to pocket some of it for personal use. That wealth comes either from oil and gas reserves, in the rich Muslim lands, or from Infidel foreign aid in the poor-to-middling lands, or in a few cases (as Egypt), from tourism.  There is not much other wealth, save in a handful of countries – Turkey, Tunisia come to mind – where Islam has been systematically tamed, and something like real economies, as a result, have managed to develop. The more money that comes from foreign aid, the more corruption. And the more corruption, the more resentment by those who are not among the lucky recipients, and who observe the corrupt rulers flaunting their wealth and their power. Blame is put not only on the rulers but on the Infidels who supply the aid, as if they are responsible for the corruption. In Muslim societies, when there is opposition to the rulers, that opposition always is stated in Islamic terms: the rulers are insufficiently Islamic, or still worse, are accused of being “collaborators with Infidels” or, worst of all, of being Infidels themselves. Aid from Infidel states to Muslim states has proven to be an error; you can’t easily halt the flow. You are damned if you do provide aid, and corruption ensues, as it usually will, and damned if you cut it off,  because Muslims have grown to expect it. Better never to start. Let them instead go hat in hand to Saudi Arabia, to the U.A.E., to Kuwait, to Qatar.

The transfer of wealth through aid,  from Infidels to Muslims, is exactly the wrong policy. Such aid is pocketed by the Muslim recipients without gratitude, and they quickly come to regard that aid as their due. It is theirs by right. And the donor nations, in Europe and North America, or those who run their aid programs, far from registering any anger at this attitude, themselves begin to exhibit fearfulness about the possible reaction of Muslim recipients to any decrease in that aid. What this means is that every Infidel aid program to Muslim states becomes, in the end, akin to Jizyah, in the sense that it is given, out of fear, by Infidels, who keep paying Muslims what has become protection money. Every foreign aid program that involves Infidel donors and Muslim recipients becomes, in the end, a disguised Jizyah.

Islam is based on the idea of the unity of the Umma, the Community of Believers. And Muslims are taught that their loyalty, their sole loyalty, must always be to Islam, and to that Community of Believers. But the governments and peoples of the Western world appear unable to raise the matter of why, if that is so, the fabulously rich members of that Umma, the Arabs of the Gulf, and the other Arabs and Muslims in OPEC, continue to sit back and watch the hundreds of billions of dollars in aid flow from Infidel countries, and never lift a finger to help those fellow members of the Umma that don’t have oil or gas. Why are they not helping fellow Muslims? No Western government or collection of Western governments says it is going to cease to give aid  for Muslim states, cease to rescue them from the consequences of their own misrule. No Western government has yet had the courage to stop subsidizing economic failures that are a result of “a certain way of doing things” (that is, Islam itself). Western states should begin to insist that the poor Muslim states ask for help not from them but from their rich “Muslim brothers” and not expect anything further from us, the Infidels. Furthermore, having already given more than a trillion dollars to black Africa in aid, the Western donor states have earned the right to insist that rich Muslim Arab states should pay the peoples of black Africa something similar, as reparations for the Arab slave trade.

Aid, remember, is finite, and if aid goes from the Infidel nations to Muslim nations, it will not go to other, non-Muslim, likely worthier recipients. For the economic problems of Muslim states – problems one can see are overcome, in part, only in those Muslim countries that limit the power of Islam (as Turkey and Tunisia) – can also be seen in the rich Arab and Muslim countries. Despite the nearly thirty  trillion dollars in oil and gas revenues received since 1973, which surely constitutes the largest transfer of wealth in human history, the Muslim members of OPEC have failed to create modern economies. In the Arab sheikdoms the vast majority of the workforce is foreign. In Saudi Arabia, it is 2/3 foreign, and the Saudis who are counted as working arrive to sit in offices two, or at most three, hours a day. These are rentier states. The sums they receive do not reflect any industriousness or entrepreneurial flair on the part of their population. The oil itself has been discovered, drilled for, transported, and distributed by Western oilmen.

The Saudis have tried to diminish their dependence on oil. They long ago announced big plans, and invested tens of billions, in agriculture, but those plans came to nothing, were a failure. And the university, the “richest university in the world,” that was founded to train Saudis in science and engineering — appears not to be delivering on its promises. Of course, in a country where you can always get a state job that, if not no-show, asks of Saudis only a  few hours a day(it’s the foreigners who do the real work0 many people will be content with that. And who can blame them?

But there are other reasons why most Muslim states are economic failures, those failures disguised in those states that are oil-and-gas rich, which give an illusion of continuous wealth and economic progress? The reasons are to be found in the tenets, and the attitudes, and the atmospherics, of Islam, and even of the history of the Arabs themselves. The raiding parties of seventh-century Arabs, exemplified by the attack of Muhammad and his Arab warriors on the hard-working inoffensive Jewish farmers of the Khaybar Oasis, an attack undertaken simply to steal the property of those farmers, is an example of how the Arabs survived. They lived largely by raiding caravans.. And that way of life did not end with the seventh-century. Warring tribes continued to raid, and the Arabs, or rather the Muslims who ruled over vast territories inhabited by non-Muslim peoples, exacted the tribute of the Jizyah from non-Muslims, and that Jizyah helped to support the Muslim state. Indeed, in order to ensure that there would be non-Muslims to pay the Jizyah, the Muslims who conquered Iran with its Zoroastrians began to treat them as honorary members of the Ahl al-Kitab, People of the Book, so that they would not all be converted or killed, but could provide the JIzyah that would support the Muslim state. In India, after tens of millions of Hindus had been killed, it was deemed more sensible not to kill or convert the rest, for then no one would be left to  pay the Jizyah.

There are several reasons for economic failure in most Muslim states. One is the hostility, in Islam, to bidah, or innovation. The new is distrusted, and even more than the new, the idea of receptiveness to the new. For it goes against the Islamic belief that everything is contained in the immutable and uncreated Qur’an, that all of what one needs to know is already contained in the Islamic texts, and that any irritable searching after other kinds of knowledge, or new ways of doing things, is dangerous. However, Muslims have shown themselves perfectly willing to accept, appropriate, and use, the fruits of Western technology. What they have been unable to emulate, are the habits of mind, and the ways of doing things, including willingness to innovate, that allow non-Muslims to produce the very goods that, in a manner akin to members of a Cargo Cult, Muslims are happy to use but are indifferent to all the mental steps that must be taken to produce such things. And innovation does not mean only new products; it means new ways of manufacturing, distributing, and marketing them. There is no Muslim Steve Jobs, no Muslim Jeff Bezos, no Muslim Elon Musk. And there won’t be.

Still another obstacle in Muslim countries that gets in the way of economic development, and hinders the advancement of science,  is that Islam discourages skeptical inquiry. Muslim clerics don’t want people acquiring a habit of mind that could conceivably cause questioning the tenets of Islam, or — still worse — anything about the character of Muhammad, that Model of Conduct and Perfect Man. But that determination to prevent any questioning of the texts and teachings of Islam has a more general effect on Muslims. They do not acquire the habit of skepticism which is so important to the enterprise of science. And science is connected to the development of the economy through technology. Even though the Saudi government has spent a fortune on creating universities where science can be studied, the results, at such well-endowed places as the King Abdul Aziz Center for Science and Technology, have been singularly unimpressive. Could it be that the habits of mind Islam encourages are preventing people from fully engaging with science, or with the practical benefits that scientific research can bring?

We might take, as a sign of the situation of science under Islam, the number of  Nobel Prizes in Science awarded to Muslims. There have been only three. The first was to Mohammed Abdus Salam, who won a Nobel in Physics. But Salam was an Ahmadi in Pakistan, where Ahmadis are forbidden to identify themselves as Muslims. In fact, it was the anti-Ahmadi riots of 1953 in Lahore that drove Salam out of Pakistan to England, where he did most of his major work. He appears to have been a freethinker, and to claim him as a Muslim when Ahmadis are not regarded as such by orthodox Muslims, is at least curious.  As for the second winner, the Turk Aziz Sancar, he did all of his graduate work, and spent his entire career, in the United States. He has described himself as a “nationalist’ and a great admirer of Ataturk (who said “I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea.”). He even gave his Nobel medal to the Ataturk museum. It is reasonable to assume he is not a believing Muslim, but rather a Kemalist, determined to limit the role of Islam in Turkish life. The third winner, Ahmed Zuwail, is an Egyptian who did all of his graduate training, and all of his scientific work, in the United States, far from any Muslim environment. So if we discount the Ahmadi and the Kemalist, that leaves — at most — one Muslim Nobel Prize winner, though even here we do not know how devout Zuwail was. This suggests that there is something about Islam that discourages the enterprise of science.

Along with the prohibition on bidah, and the antipathy to skeptical inquiry, there is still a third problem with Islam and economic development: what may be called inshallah-fatalism. It is great fun for Westerners to count the number of times the word “inshallah” (“God willing”) comes up in conversation with Muslims. But it is not merely a verbal tic, of no consequence. The Muslim God is whimsical. He does what he wants, whenever he wants. He is not bound by physical laws, nor by moral laws. Our lives are ruled by his whims. He can give us prosperity, or reduce us to penury, or do now one and now the other. Ours not to reason why. Allah Knows Best. And if enough people in a society believe that what they do matters less, and what counts is what Allah Decides To Do, then this belief, encapsulated in the word “Inshallah” that most of those who grow up in societies suffused with Islam share, then hard work is unlikely to be regarded as admirable, or as making any kind of sense. In the Western world — and now also in the Asian, especially East Asian, world — such fatalism is foreign; in the West and in the Far East (China, Japan, Korea)  we have always grasped the close connection between work and economic prosperity.  This makes far less sense in the world of Islam. Even if there are exceptions to this, particularly among some educated Muslims who live in non-Muslim societies and adopt many of the attitudes of the circumambient society, the general observation holds. So spend your days in coffeehouses, watching television or playing tric-trac or smoking hubble-bubble pipes. Wait for manna from the government, or for a government no-need-to-show job, or aid from non-Muslims, all the result of Allah’s beneficence. And that is why all those hopes and dreams of the  Bush Administration, which were then muted under Obama, and are not even on the radar of the Trump Administration, for a new economic order in Iraq, came to nothing. That is why the hopes and dreams for Afghanistan,  will come to nothing. The sources of economic wealth everywhere, aside from natural resources, are the industriousness of the population, and the entrepreneurial flair of an economic elite. Inshallah-fatalism limits or undercuts the former; hostility to innovation, bidah, limits the latter. The economic failures of Muslims states and societies come from Islam itself. That is something that ought to be talked about, and loudly.

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6 years ago

Its ignorance and stupidity that resulted in the messed up American policies.

And the Islamonazi Pope wants christians to bring in more of his islamonazi friends. And now he even questions christians on their faith http://tinyurl.com/ydy8fkhl

Its like he has sold his soul to Left/Islam agenda and only foolish ignorant christians are foolishly treating him with respect he does not deserve.

Meoldfart Fartme
Meoldfart Fartme
6 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

he can’t – it is already ‘purchased’ – guess who!

6 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

The Pope is an utter idiot.

shirley versace
shirley versace
6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

the ‘pope’ is a Globalist Plant – like Merkel and Obama. He is NOT Christian. His origins are the murky past of many who live in Argentina.

6 years ago

Vladimir Putin’s opinion is interesting:

” If you look around at what he (the Pope) says, it’s clear that he is
not a man of God. At least not the Christian God, not the God of the


shirley versace
shirley versace
6 years ago
Reply to  Richard

well, Vlad and I can agree on that !

6 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

Luckily millions of christians have become disillusioned and also see the pope a fool but then he does not personally take them into his domain does he !! Even Catholics are not happy and we’ve only to see that in the many Italian protests against these Muslim invaders not poor or helpless while turning the country rapidly off migrants due to wrecked businesses and ultimately wrecked livelihoods hence they are demanding for the return of many back the way they came and now have been shutting down mosques , returning hate preachers direct back to their country before the do gooders have time to sing kumbaya ! Sadly in U.K. it’s do gooders who are the problem as in the USA because they’re blind until a Muslim decides to make their family suffer lose ! Too many times they help Muslims who resort to pretending they’re christians until they get their papers then vanish in the night and more funding is always available for the fakeugees than our own ACTUAL POOR HOMELESS VETERANS DISABKED AND ELDERLY CRIPPLED BY CUTS TO BENEFITS ! A government that gets to give away billions to terrorist countries while taking away the basic amount of money needed to survive besides a roof over their heads then has blood on their hands with austerity measures with the evil bedroom tax ! Most new homes are not built with one bedroom in mind but geared to big families whom many Muslims take advantage of as just swapping one big house for a bigger one as all money is pooled in together so they’re the only ones who can afford them ! Only poorer ones are those that actually work ! These are usually those who have intelligence and are westernised and can see outside of the box or maybe that not everyone in a mainly Muslim owned town can be a drug dealer as you’ll end up on someone’s else’s patch getting a bullet in you ! All Muslim controlled councils feeling pinch after years of raping the coffers for their own community til it’s too embarrassingly obvious that all poor people are non Muslims and that government grants to improve ALL poorer people were definitely not getting the help and all the gleaming mansions and other houses extended by these grants that shan’t have even been near considered in the poor bracket have all the traditional black and gold railings plus multiple fancy expensive cars within them ! So they now pander to their Muslim migrants government coffers as they’ve run our towns into the ground . You can spot them a mile off with their dirty streets , the crime levels , the non Muslim poor and multiple NOW acceptable round up and Shane of Muslim grooming and rape gangs on the screen which NOW they admit is just the tip of the iceberg where white girls even sikhs Hindu girls have been raped and trafficked for years but police went do anything for fear of racism ! Time all of them who work in taxis should be questioned with the aid of truth serum problem being they’d need a small country to house them in a purpose built jail ! Amazing seeing as we get told that Muslims are such a small percentage of the population but are able to cause so much chaos isn’t it until civil war will happen as many of these poor folk are east European and they aren’t so patient to take it lying down when it comes to the guilty scumbags targeting their children and do actually take the law into their own hands while the police can do nothing and about as useful as a chocolate fire guard when East meets west on the streets ! If we are to put this right then Islam should not have a higher voice than everyone else in government t and make everyone equal again, allow our Christian way of life to be celebrated and throw out the leftist elitist globalist agenda !

6 years ago
Reply to  Michelle


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6 years ago

Good article.

6 years ago

I would disagree on King Abdullah, of Jordon. He has taken in Christian and Muslim refugees. If they need aid, I don’t mind that. Keep them over there. Jordon is a poor country. His mother was British so he was raised with a tolerant western influence. He also came to the U.S. and went to Georgetown University so again, he understands the west and it shows in his tolerance. He’s cracked down on Haamas and the PAL.

Being a Muslim though he is against moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem – that’s his red line. In May 2017 he stated: “No injustice has spread more bitter fruit than the absence of a Palestinian state. This is the core issue of our region, and has driven radicalism throughout our region.” HE is right too! ALL the Muslim countries will object to that.

All the other countries mentioned should not get ANY aid. They take our money and then stab us in the back.

6 years ago

I can see where Islam oppresses innovation and an inquiring mind. If you allow that, then you will also use that to explore Islam and its roots. They don’t want that. You are not allowed to question Islam.

6 years ago

WOW! This really opened my eyes. It makes sense.
The fatalism part is very different than Judaism and Christianity. We can have a relationship with God and ask for what we’d like or ask for help.

I wonder how they interpret the Bible were Abraham negotiated with God to save any “righteous” people including Lott rather than destroying all who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. They probably have a different spin on it. Their view is believing there is nothing you can do about anything and there is no personal relationship there.

6 years ago

The $trillions taken from the West for oil over the decades has been turned around and used to corrupt governments in many countries at all levels. Here in America from the police, judges and highest level congressmen islamic wealth has been used for their corruption. When any of these traitors make a favorable decision for islam they are given tips for stock or option trades where a minor investment will return millions. Hedge funds such as Blackrock can manipulate the prices of obscure companies by trading between their funds and know to the second what the option pricing will do. All govt officials should have their finances investigated and those who have become wealthy with this corruption rooted out.
An announcer at NPR, Mr. Tom Ashbrook has a net worth of $95 Million not too bad for treason!

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
6 years ago

here is a video version – same story


6 years ago

“and the Angel said to Hagar….I will make of him a great nation…He shall be a wild ass of a man!…His hand shall be against every man…and he shall live in hostility amongst his brethren”….

Benny Rothman
Benny Rothman
6 years ago

Bravo..Hit the nail right on…Stupid Trump should cease all economic aid to Muslims and their countries …all of it..
They come to America to work on destroying us while we give them the resources to do so. MONEY cut it off and see how fast they leave us..No freebies period..No medical aid…food cards..no subsidized jobs…no free housing..no free ANYTHING…
I am sick of my tax dollars being used to help destroy the country i fought and bled for ….over 30 years service …
If i had the funds i would organize a Militia that would deal with the problems …also drain your corrupt swamp in foggy bottom..I say ..Death to ISLAM…Let Freedom truly ring..remove these moon god lovers from my country..
Want results …really…want results?? Serious about taking America back? Forget Trump…hes been margined out by the Rothschild’s who hold all of his bank notes..He is a paper billionaire …
Semper-Fi people..comment image comment image comment image
[email protected]

6 years ago

I don’t think GWB was ignorant. I think he was an infiltrator. One terrible stupid evil decision after another, pretending he was just a bumbling fool.

Stefanie Daniella
Stefanie Daniella
6 years ago

* recent trends in last thousand years have always shown *
folks still think papal pagan roman pseudo-monotheism is “christian” … when in fact quite atheistically freemasonry-islam-moslah luciferian quranic kabbalistic talmudic catholic satanic secular mish-mash …

and, no, Europe is not “christian” either, but very papal romanist …

remember … papal pagan romanism (worldwide)
begotten both
as well as begotten
quranic islam

Stefanie Daniella
Stefanie Daniella
6 years ago

muhammadans sitting on booty oil soil lands … play faux-kingdom/sheikdom … while are actually oil-admin bootleg seller-distributors to “interested buyers” … willing to pay for exclusive booty-trade … including maintaining security to ensure booty-oil-flow supply is not interrupted by local desert wanderers

muhammadans sitting on barren lands … have no such “opportunity” …

6 years ago

This was an excellent article and having lived for almost five years in Muslim nations and another three traveling throughout many such as Sudan, Mali, Somalia, Afghanistan and many others, I can attest to your analysis of the “inshallah” attitude. There are at least three ways to emphasize the word, depending on the context of the conversation or answer to a question.

I do have to disagree a bit regarding Turkey. You described a pre-Erdogan Turkey as the Kamala Constitution has been shredded into little pieces of chad that can never be reconstructed. When I used to visit Turkish military bases while being assigned to NATO/SHAPE, I could joke with members of the Turkish military like referring to Izhmir as Smyrna or Istanbul as Constantinople but now I would be told to leave and never return. I truly have tears when I read about the destruction of once great nation that may have been prevented if only the E.U. would have elected in the eighties Turkey into the Union. Inshallah

b.a. freeman
b.a. freeman
6 years ago

in this article, mr. fitzgerald has written one of the best explanations of why muslim societies fail that i have seen. i have read articles elsewhere that intimate such dysfunction, but it was mentioned only in passing. well done, mr. fitzgerald!

another author who explains it as well as mr. fitzgerald is ali sina of faithfreedom dot org. mr. sina was raised muslim, but allowed as a child to not be devout (which means that his parents were not devout, either). he became an atheist, and is now a christian. as an ex-muslim, he is under a perpetual death sentence, which can be carried out by any member of the ummah as a vigilante (vigilante “justice” is not illegal in sharia law; viz. “honor” killings as well as apostasy killings). mr. sina points out that the gangsta culture of islam permeates the family. there is no love in the household of a devout muslim; everybody is looking out for number one, and of course, the husband *owns* the wife and children.

with lust for material goods and raw power permeating the very families of devout muslims, what else could we expect from them and their progeny except mass murder and contant attacks? this begs the question of why nobody in the west has bothered to look at islam. every time i broach the subject of islam – with *anybody* who is ignorant of it, left or right – i am immediately told that they don’t care what people’s religious beliefs are. at first i was frustrated, but then realized that i, too, had had a similar attitude. furthermore, this is a rational attitude to have if all religions are similar to hinduism, buddhism, christianity, et.al. if one is a believer in such a religion, he accepts its tenets as true, and unless he is interested in missionary work with those of other such religions, there is not much reason to learn much about them. if one is an atheist or agnostic, one also does not care, and may in fact consider any such inquiry to be a waste of precious time examining something stupid and harmless. virtually no westerners have had any experience with a religion like islam. there may have been other religions as evil as islam, but most civilized people have not had any experience with them, so we don’t recognize the danger of the pirate cult.

thus, it is a waste of time to try to interest people in checking out islam. it is possible that a *very* few of the liberals and leftists whom i have challenged to show me how stupid my concerns about islam will actually check it out, but that is a slim chance, and most likely will not happen. thus, a better approach may be that of eric allen bell, a liberal independent filmmaker who opposes islam at least as much as i do. he began to make a documentary about the construction of a giant mosque in murfreesboro, TN, and the opposition of the knuckle-dragging christians of the are to it, but discovered the evils of islam instead; when he approached his backers with a proposal to change the subject of the film after showing them what islamic scripture says, they pulled the financial plug, and he was shunned on the liberal and leftist websites for which he had been a prolific contributor. mr. bell has found that the best way to approach left-of-center individuals to educate them about islam is to use the lack of basic human rights in any muslim-majority region or country. most leftists are not incurious; they are simply uneducated (as we all have been) about islam. yes, the hard-core left is using islam to destroy civilization in the mistaken belief that they can replace it with a “people’s republic,” but half the country is left-of-center, if only nominally so, and yelling and screaming won’t accomplish anything. instead, hard as it is for introverts like myself, face-to-face discussions (*calm* ones) about the lack of human rights under islam need to be initiated with leftists. ask them why every single muslim-dominated area treats minorities so badly. why is it that homosexuality is illegal in all muslim countries? why do all muslim countries treat rape as a crime by the victim if she cannot produce four *male* witnesses to the crime? leftists, who will be as mistreated under pious muslims as knuckle-dragging right-winger christians like me, can also wake up to the danger. islamic aggression is not a matter of honest disagreement among left and right; it is a matter of freedom of concern to both. those on the hard left who are conducting a proxy war against us care no more for those on the left who are not hard-core than they do for the rest of us, so we need to get the latter to open their eyes to the real islam.

in the meantime, i suggest that all freedom-lovers prepare for the worst. under *NO* *CIRCUMSTANCES* should the law *EVER* be violated; the entire basis of the constitution is rule by law and equality under the law, so that those who violate the law are as much to blame for the chaos and bloodshed to come as those who are actively promoting it. this does not mean that one should not prepare for chaos! arms, stable foods, and water should be stored in safe places. it would be a good thing to have a low-population area to which one could escape when the government loses (or seizes) control, or when a nuke or two or three go off in american cities, but especially if one lives in a large metropolitan area (like i do), one had better be prepared to survive in place. as for myself, i expect to die, because i am not a survivalist. knowledge of technology doesn’t help one live when the sewer and water systems fail, the grocery stores are empty, and the police are gone, but i’ll leave a few marks on my opposition.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!