
New Music Business Strategies

MusicBizStrategies_ebook_Ad-2Are you getting tired of putting endless effort into building your career in return for no reward? You're not the only one facing an uphill road in the music industry, but odds are, if you're not seeing results, you may want to consider the possibility of operator errors. Winston Churchill once said, "However beautiful the strategy, you should occaisionally look at the results." Not only is that exactly what Dave Kusek has done with The New Artist Model, he's turning the data he's collected into an outline of successful music business tips & strategies. Lucky for us, he's sharing. 

By evaluating effort vs. engagement, Dave is able to make an plan of attack and adjust it accordlingy as he builds his career. He suggests changing our mindsets from being the a provider of a product to treating your career as an entrepreneurial endeavor. The music industry is constantly evolving and with the boom of social media, it's changing faster than ever. Welcoming and embracing change is the first of Dave Kusek's many helpful strategies – stay connected and learn more on MusicThinkTank.com

"Get out and meet people. Talk to as many people as you can in the studio and at your live shows—promoters, producers, club owners, sound and light folks, other bands and musicians. MAKE that connection that could really start your career as a successful indie artist. Remember that face-to-face conversations will always get you further than emails. And above all, treat people like people. Give and you will receive."

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