Hapworth 16, 1924

June 19, 1965 P. 32

June 19, 1965 P. 32

The New Yorker, June 19, 1965 P. 32

Seymour Glass, age 7, writes a letter to his parents, his sister Beatrice (Boo Boo) & his twin brothers Walter and Waker. He is at a children's camp with his brother Buddy, who is 5. At this time, their mother is 28 and she and their father are touring as a stage team. This letter is on an adult level. Seymour advises his parents, expresses views on God, people and writers. He & Buddy have been reading adult literature for some time. He sends along a list of books he'd like to have sent from the public library, along with his estimate of each of the writers. He foretells the future: Buddy will be a writer working from a room that looks like the one he always dreamed about; he, Seymour will live to the age of 30.

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