Robot Hand Beats You at Rock, Paper, Scissors 100% Of The Time

Watch this high-speed robot hand cheat at rock, paper, scissors

1 min read

Evan Ackerman is IEEE Spectrum’s robotics editor.

Robot Hand Beats You at Rock, Paper, Scissors 100% Of The Time

This robot hand will play a game of rock, paper, scissors with you. Sounds like fun, right? Not so much, because this particular robot wins every. Single. Time.

Here's a hint about what makes this robot (from the Ishikawa Oku Lab at the University of Toyko) so unbeatable: it's one of those high speed hands that works with a high speed vision system. And when we say 'high speed,' we mean fast enough that you can't really tell that the robot is cheating:

It only takes a single millisecond for the robot to recognize what shape your hand is in, and just a few more for it to make the shape that beats you, but it all happens so fast that it's more or less impossible to tell that the robot is waiting until you commit yourself before it makes its move, allowing it to win 100% of the time. You might be thinking that you could fool the system by changing your mind halfway through, but my guess is that the hand and vision system are faster than your reflexes could ever be, and that it would be trivial for the robot to adapt to any creative moves that happens on the human end.

Yep, score another one for the robots.

[ Ishikawa Oku Lab ]

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