In the sequence of sisters, in the course of days, each later one goes behind a former. May these Dawns radiate abundance as before, may they now herald for us a good day!

Rig Veda I, 124, 9

Awaken, O Dawn, the generous giver; let the stingy miser sleep on in his bed! Shine brightly, O bounteous teller of our days, on those who now worship and sing their praise.

Rig Veda I, 124, 10

The maiden from the East has shone upon us, harnessing her team of red-hued oxen. She shines; the light floods in to rouse us. May the Fire be present in every dwelling!

Rig Veda I, 124, 11

As birds fly forth from their roosting places, so men rise at your summons to replenish their store. Even to the sacrificer who remains in his home your daily arrival brings much gain.

Rig Veda I, 124, 12

May my prayer confer praise on you, the praiseworthy! The procession of Dawns has increased our riches. By your good favor may we be endowed with riches a hundred, a thousandfold!

Rig Veda I, 124, 13