EU orders member states to DROP migrant crisis border checks


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The EU is ordering its member states to commit suicide. If free societies are to survive in Europe, the EU must be dismantled.

“BORDER BOMBSHELL: Brussels orders EU countries to SCRAP internal checks within six months,” by Nick Gutteridge, Express, May 2, 2017 (thanks to Kenny):

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BRUSSELS today ordered European countries to drop internal border checks originally introduced to bring the migrant crisis under control within the next six months.

In an announcement tonight eurocrats said there was no justification for keeping police checkpoints at frontiers within the bloc and said they must be removed by the end of the year.

The diktat means that Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway will all have to swiftly find alternative ways to police irregular movements of people across their borders.

France, which has had checkpoints in place at its borders since the November 2015 terror attacks, is the only country to be exempted as it is still in a state of emergency.

Announcing the measure tonight, the EU’s migration chief Dimitris Avramopoulos said the time had come to “return to a normal functioning of the Schengen area”.

He added that the five member states, which have been given a final six month extension to get their border controls in order, had been made aware of what was expected of them.

The Greek official said: “Schengen is one of the greatest achievements of the European project and the most tangible example of European integration.

“We must do everything to safeguard protect and defend it. But the only way to do this is in a joint, European and coordinated way.

“What we propose today is to gradually phase out temporary internal border controls whilst at the same time strengthening the usual, proportionate police checks across the territory of the member states.”

Mr Avramopoulos warned: “These temporary border controls, and this goes for all internal border controls, should be exceptional, proportionate and as a last resort for a strict and a limited period.

“This will be the last prolongation. No more than the next six months. They [member states] know that this is the last prolongation.”…

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7 years ago

Why blame the corrupt EU officials ? They are paid millions to allow muslim jihadi immigration to takeover EU without firing a Bullet .

Like in EU, Dems including Obama have not only denied refugees status to christians from middle east who are real refugee but even have deported christians back to ISIS territory to be slaughtered by ISIS

At least Trump spoke up for them. If the Left/ liberal corrupt judges, media and politicians stop throwing spanner in the works, Trump would stop jihadi immigration and allow christians , the real refugees from middle east and pakistan/Bangladesh etc

Ed Heavner
Ed Heavner
7 years ago

seems to me that Brussels is acting more and more like a Federal Government by treating Countries like states or provinces.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ed Heavner

An explanation for the hordes of so-called “refugees” and the “federalization” of the once-free nations of Europe:

The so-called “refugee” invasion and the continued toleration of the INVASION of illegal aliens – particularly from Third World countries – constitute the “shock troops” of the globalist, oligarch “New World Ordure” cabal. The plan: destroy whatever hegemony the nations of the West still retain. Destroy their sovereignty. Cause as much strife, economic hardship, crime, mayhem and murder as possible.

When the situation gets bad enough the sheeple of the once-free nations of the West will beg their so-called “leaders” to “do something”. Then the NWO cabal will come out with their “solution”: WORLD GOVERNMENT. (Translated: enslavement of all who are not part of their cabal or the government drones that do their dirty work.)

River Song
River Song
7 years ago

That is the craziest thing I have heard in a long time. If the borders come down as ordered by the EUSSR there will be civil war within the next few years.. these utterings are like the ravings of Hitler in the Bunker as the Red Army rolled into Berlin.

7 years ago
Reply to  River Song

The President ought to withdraw from NATO . A land without borders cannot be defended , and Russia will be for defending their border , along with every other nation bordering what used to be the EU . Don’t want to be on the wrong side of that .
If the islamites militarize their invasion , they will do the same in other regions , also . Pakistan and India . The new Persian Empire against everyone except the Russians . Nothing but fun for all in the offing .

7 years ago
Reply to  River Song

How can there be a civil war when most, if not all, of the European countries have outlawed guns?

7 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

David slew Goliath with a slingshot.
Since guns were in short supply, he made do with what he had.
The most important piece of armament in that little confrontation was David himself.
Guns are not a requirement for good men to prevail. They make the job so much easier, though.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Agree Jack but I worry about the mental status of European men these days. If they do not care enough to protect their women from rape I worry that they will not fight for the preservation of their cultures.

6 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

Nature has taken the backbone from the spoon-billed catfish.
The politicians are removing the backbone from men across the world in the name of diversity and tolerance.
The goal here is not peace but power. The welfare of the general populace is of no concern to those in power as long as they are contained and pose no threat to the elite. In the end these attitudes will be the death of those in power alongside their “underlings”.
Until then we are bound to fight our own battles for survival against Islam and governments.

7 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

It will go back to sticks, stones, tools, and traps for self-defense. It will be so bad we won’t want to listen to the numbers killed.

7 years ago

This a bit like telling hospitals to keep their wards disease free without any internal hygiene whilst letting hordes of sick people in…..

7 years ago
Reply to  Justin

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7 years ago
Reply to  Marniecvernon

Is this the only scam you are running?

7 years ago

An end to any control of their borders? We don’ need no steenking borders !
Bloody forking insane .

Validate your 2nd Amendment Rights.. Carry

7 years ago

After brussels pressured the eu countries to vote saudi arabia in to the UN women’s rights council ,
to open up the internal borders are the next logical steps .
Eastern Europe better ask for russian protection.

7 years ago
Reply to  Deplorable/dx

Interesting point.

Richard Harris
Richard Harris
7 years ago
Reply to  Deplorable/dx

I admire and respect Putin’s Pro-Christian comments on keeping Russian culture Pro-Christian. But I am afraid he is playing a double game. Since Putin has been in power since 2000…he has allowed hundreds if not thousands of mosques to be built in Russia and has enabled the growth of the Russian Muslim population against the will of Christian Russians. This isn’t good.

Welcome to Russia. Home of over 20 million Muslims….with 2+ million Muslims in MOSCOW

(2008-2010) SUPPRESSED by Putin/Russian media: “Moscow – Europe’s Muslim Capital”

(2011) Despite Moscow Russians complaining about more mosques and Muslims in Moscow….Moscow Muslims DEMAND more mosques!

So does Putin listen to his Russian people about their fear of Muslims? NO…Putin PANDERS to the Muslims.

(2016) Moscow Inaugurates Largest mosque in Europe and Putin says its WONDERFUL! Putin says Muslims in Russia are “against terrorism” and “bring harmony to Russia” LOL

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago

Good idea, the sooner western europe is complexly over run by muslims and their filth, the sooner it will go into financial and social conniptions, followed by massive civil unrest when the colonists are not given sufficient bribes to buy their relative peace. The result will be conflict between islamic tribes and cults, with the collateral damage being significant as the rest of society is dragged down. No loss, it is almost Biblical, west europe will have a sabbatical of 70 years before civilization will return.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Good point, when the English ran out of money to bribe the Vikings, savage conflict broke out.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

A liberal paradise

7 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

I came across an interesting statistic, at one point the amount the Vikings asked for was equivalent to the entire amount of wealth generated by England that year. That was about the time English resistance collapsed and the Vikings became the main power. Anyway, gave me a better idea of how massive the Danegeld was, gradually working its way up to the whole national wealth production.

Hence, what happens the EU can no longer pay the muslims enough welfare?

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago

That is happening all over again. muslim welfare bums will keep demanding, until their demands cannot be met. western europeans are too weak and will be too impoverished to resist, islam will take over, which like it historically does, destroy the economy, infrastructure and industry of those occupied. For examples, any islamic state today.

7 years ago

Open borders is insane. For example, the farmer has to put a fence around his field to keep the goats from eating his crop.

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
7 years ago

President Trump said it best, “If you don’t have a border, you don’t have a country.”

7 years ago

don’t need to check any. Put them on a train to Auschwitz for Merkelcomment image

Richard Harris
Richard Harris
7 years ago

It’s good to know the Visegrad 4 Alliance nations Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia have already REJECTED Muslim migrants from coming into their nations and maintain tough Immigration Border controls. They are ready to leave the EU and become allies with Le Pen France, Brexit UK and Trump America.

All the Visegrad nations have the same Anti-Islam sentiment as the Poles do

Poland REFUSES to adopt Bloody Harvest of Muslim Multicultural Terrorism that W. Europe has adopted

Polish official asks EU officials: WHY are we even discussing Islamic Sharia Law?

Polish girl speaks out against Muslim migrants – Poles support Mr. Trump’s Immigration Policy

Poland to Muslims: “Here, Jesus is our get out!’ – Poles denounce Globalist Leftist media

7 years ago

Well, European countries must decide if they are independent countries or vassals of Brussels. Those countries will not be countries much longer if they continue the way they are now. They are not independent now and won’t be while part of the EU.
If they do away with border checks they may as well start building more mosques. They will be flooded with Muslims and terrorists. It’s hard to understand why a country would commit suicide this way. But it’s also their choice and they will suffer the consequences if the choice is wrong.

7 years ago

Anyone else notice that in the photo almost all are military aged males?

Vicky Goldstone
Vicky Goldstone
7 years ago

When will euro rats wake up? Unless they stop acting like invertebrates Europe and with it much of western civilization will be lost to the 7’th century Muslim hoards. The Refugees must be deported to where they came from at he earliest opportunity or all will be lost.

7 years ago


Barbara Lerner Spectre
Barbara Lerner Spectre
7 years ago

Proud Jewish Journalist admits Hollywood is run by the Jews:

The last sentence of this article is very important, listen what the Jew has to say:

“But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

Jewish Magazine admits that Hollywood is owned by Jews:

This is the Cover of “Moment” in August 1996.

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