Obama’s Legacy: When Arrogance Supplants Reason, “Grand strategies are judged by their consequences”


“Power corrupts in subtle ways. It appears to have made Obama arrogant.”

“Grand strategies are judged by their consequences, not by their intentions, and in the Middle East the consequences are not looking pretty.”

Preeminent thinker Niall Ferguson offers up an extraordinary indictment of President Obama’s foreign policy rout. It’s lengthy, but not a word too much or too long.

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Niall Ferguson is Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History at Harvard University. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and a Senior Research Fellow at Jesus College, Oxford. He has published fourteen books.

“Barack Obama’s Revolution in Foreign Policy,” By Niall Ferguson, The Atlantic, March 13, 2016:

When you think you’re the smartest person in the room, it’s tempting to make up your own grand strategy.

It is a criticism I have heard from more than one person who has worked with President Obama: that he regards himself as the smartest person in the room—any room. Jeffrey Goldberg’s fascinating article reveals that this is a considerable understatement. The president seems to think he is the smartest person in the world, perhaps ever. Power corrupts in subtle ways. It appears to have made Obama arrogant. As described in Goldberg’s story, he is impatient to the point of rudeness with members of his own administration. His response to Secretary of State John Kerry when he hands him a paper on Syria is: “Oh, another proposal?” “Samantha, enough,” he snaps at the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. “I’ve already read your book.” We learn, too, that he “secretly disdains … the Washington foreign-policy establishment.”

obama finger

The president is also bluntly critical of traditional American allies. He is said to have told Prime Minister David Cameron that Britain “would no longer be able to claim a ‘special relationship’ with the United States” if it did not “pay [its] fair share” by increasing defense spending. The Pakistanis and the Saudis get especially short shrift here, as—predictably—does Israel.

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“Bibi, you have to understand something,” he tells the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. “I’m the African American son of a single mother, and I live here, in this house. I live in the White House. I managed to get elected president of the United States. You think I don’t understand what you’re talking about, but I do.” Netanyahu may have wondered what exactly in Obama’s biography gives him such insight into the present-day predicament of Israel.

The president is also dismissive of a number of past presidents as strategists. “We dropped more ordnance on Cambodia and Laos than on Europe in World War II,” he tells Goldberg, “and yet, ultimately, Nixon withdrew, Kissinger went to Paris, and all we left behind was chaos, slaughter, and authoritarian governments that finally, over time, have emerged from that hell.” So much for Nixon and Kissinger.

He is equally dismissive of “mythologies” about Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy. The release of the American hostages in Iran had “nothing to do with … Reagan’s posture, his rhetoric, etc.” Invading Grenada did not help “our ability to shape world events.” The Iran-Contra affair “wasn’t successful at all.” Nor was Reagan’s withdrawal of U.S. forces from Lebanon in 1983. These views are not necessarily wrong. Instead, it is the president’s tone that jars—the sarcasm that Goldberg notes. The same tone is manifest in Obama’s sole comment on his immediate predecessor. “As I recall, because apparently nobody in this town does,” he says, “Putin went into Georgia on Bush’s watch, right smack dab in the middle of us having over 100,000 troops deployed in Iraq.”

Is there anyone to whom Obama does not feel himself superior? The surprising answer is President George H.W. Bush’s national-security adviser, Brent Scowcroft. “I love that guy,” Obama is quoted as saying. This will come as no surprise to readers of his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope, but most people will scratch their heads. The president explains: “I am … an idealist insofar as I believe that we should be promoting values, like democracy and human rights” not only out of self-interest, but also because “it makes the world a better place.” But “you could call me a realist in believing we can’t, at any given moment, relieve all the world’s misery. … We’ve got to be hardheaded … and pick and choose our spots. … There are going to be times where our security interests conflict with our concerns about human rights.”

Which brings us to Syria, the central foreign-policy failure of the Obama presidency. The grim details of what has happened as the Syrian Civil War has escalated are all too familiar: a death toll of 470,000 according to the Syrian Center for Policy Research, nearly 4.8 million refugees according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and a flood of displaced persons and migrants arriving in Europe by sea at a rate of roughly 100,000 a month. Aside from the human suffering, the escalation of the conflict has had grave strategic consequences, not least of which has been the return of Russia to the region as a major player for the first time since the early 1970s.

The consequences of American non-intervention in Syria have, in some ways, been as bad as the consequences of American intervention in Iraq, though fewer American lives and dollars have been expended. Yet the realist in Obama has no regrets. Goldberg does future historians a valuable service by setting out in detail the president’s reasoning.

The president dragged his feet on Syria for three reasons. First, having been elected partly on the strength of his opposition to the Iraq War, he was and remains in principle reluctant to deploy U.S. troops (though not U.S. drones). In 2009, he felt the Pentagon had “jammed” him into approving a troop surge in Afghanistan; four years later, he felt he was being jammed again. Second, he misread the Arab Spring, initially equating protesters in Tunisia and Tahrir Square with Rosa Parks and the “patriots of Boston.”

Third, Obama regretted succumbing to pressure from his own advisers as well as from European allies to intervene in Libya in 2011. When similar pressures were brought to bear on him over the red line he himself had drawn regarding the use of chemical weapons in Syria, Obama revolted. On August 30, 2013—after consulting only Denis McDonough, his chief of staff—he decided to call off planned air strikes against the Syrian government, telling McDonough of his “long-standing resentment: He was tired of watching Washington unthinkingly drift toward war in Muslim countries.”

The president’s rationalizations of his U-turn need not detain us (“Assad would place civilians as ‘human shields’ around obvious targets … U.S. missiles would not be fired at chemical-weapons depots, for fear of sending plumes of poison into the air,” and so forth). The point is that if those arguments had been any good, there would have been no need to circumvent his own cabinet and advisers.

Susan Rice was “shocked.” When he found out that evening, Kerry told a friend: “I just got fucked over.” Even Vice President Joe Biden was on the other side of the argument (“big nations don’t bluff”). The usually loyal Gideon Rose, the editor of Foreign Affairs, thought it was a mistake. So did the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan. So did the king of Jordan. And so, of course, did Hillary Clinton.

When she later made public her criticism of Obama’s handling of Syria, Obama became “rip-shit angry,” according to a senior adviser. It was at this time that the White House went demotic with the facile slogan: “Don’t do stupid shit.” According to Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national-security adviser for strategic communication, “the questions we were asking in the White House were ‘Who exactly is in the stupid-shit caucus? Who is pro–stupid shit?’”

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This, then, was The Moment: Obama’s decision not to carry out his threat against Bashar al-Assad was, we are told, the defining moment of his presidency. “I’m very proud of this moment,” he tells Goldberg. “The overwhelming weight of conventional wisdom and the machinery of our national-security apparatus had gone fairly far. The perception was that my credibility was at stake, that America’s credibility was at stake. And so for me to press the pause button at that moment, I knew, would cost me politically. And the fact that I was able to pull back from the immediate pressures and think through in my own mind what was in America’s interest … was as tough a decision as I’ve made.”

August 30, 2013 was Obama’s “liberation day,” writes Goldberg—“the day he defied not only the foreign-policy establishment and its cruise-missile playbook, but also the demands of America’s frustrating, high-maintenance allies.” It was the day he finally threw out “what he calls, derisively, the ‘Washington playbook … [the] playbook … that presidents are sup­posed to follow … [the] playbook that comes out of the foreign-policy establishment.’”One of the more remarkable aspects of the president’s defense of his Syrian flip is the role played in it by the Russian president, Vladimir Putin. As Goldberg writes:

At the G20 summit in St. Petersburg, which was held the week after the Syria reversal, Obama pulled Putin aside … and told the Russian president “that if he forced Assad to get rid of the chemical weapons, that that would eliminate the need for us taking a military strike.” Within weeks, Kerry, working with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, would engineer the removal of most of Syria’s chemical-weapons arsenal.

Now, some of us would argue that the foreign-policy establishment’s playbook said “Keep the Russians out of the Middle East” for a reason. Some of us would point to the sharp escalation of violence in Syria since Putin sent Russian bombers into action in the country. But, no, the president is one step ahead of us again. Letting Putin into the Syrian conflict, we learn from Goldberg, is known in Obama’s National Security Council as the “Tom Sawyer approach”—meaning “that if Putin wanted to expend his regime’s resources by painting the fence in Syria, the U.S. should let him.” Smart! Except that if any of Tom Sawyer’s friends had taken Putin’s approach to fence-painting, there would quickly have been no more fence to paint.

At first sight, all Obama has done has been to exclude Syrian stability from the A-list of U.S. vital national interests. Goldberg mentions “a handful of threats in the Middle East” that the president decided early on “conceivably warranted direct U.S. military intervention”: the threat posed by al-Qaeda, any threat to the continued existence of Israel, and the related threat posed by a nuclear-armed Iran. By contrast, “the danger to the United States posed by the Assad regime did not rise to the level of these challenges.” On this point the president has been consistent.

Yet his reason for downplaying Syria bears closer scrutiny. In Obama’s mind, Syria’s civil war is just a senseless deviation from what he likes to call “the arc of history.” He believes (following my Harvard colleague Steve Pinker) “that overall, humanity has become less violent, more tolerant, healthier, better fed, more empathetic, more able to manage difference.” The big exception is the Middle East, because of the persistence of tribalism, which he sees as an atavistic reaction to the stresses of global­ization, “the collision of cultures brought about by the Internet and social media,” and “scarcities—some of which will be attributable to climate change over the next several decades.”
This analysis helps explain why the president underestimated—and still underestimates—the Islamic State, the principal beneficiary of the Syrian disaster. In a 2014 interview, as is well known, he called the group a “jayvee team.” More recently, he has come up with a new analogy. ISIS, the president has explained to his advisers, is like the Joker in the Batman movie The Dark Knight. When the Joker started decapitating American citizens, the president abandoned his policy of non-intervention in Syria. But his low-intensity air campaign against ISIS has conspicuously failed to destroy the organization.“One of the top goals of the American national-security apparatus in Obama’s last year,” we learn, is to assassinate the “so-called caliph of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.” Well, the strategy worked with bin Laden, right? Decapitation of the organization is a sufficient response because, as the president tells Goldberg: “ISIS is not an existential threat to the United States.” He “frequently reminds his staff that terrorism takes far fewer lives in America than handguns, car accidents, and falls in bathtubs do.” (Maybe so, but bathtubs are not actively plotting to kill us.)There is, however, a second reason why Obama downplays the threat posed by ISIS: He remains more worried about “the sort of panic … that would manifest itself in anti-Muslim xenophobia” than about Islamic extremism itself. Those who believe in a “violent, radical, fanatical, nihilistic interpretation of Islam” are, the president insists, “a tiny faction.” But this view is very hard to reconcile with the president’s own observation to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull that Indonesia—where he lived for several years as a child—has been moving, in Goldberg’s words, “gradually … from a relaxed, syncretistic Islam to a more fundamentalist, unforgiving interpretation”:

Large numbers of Indonesian women, [Obama] observed, have now adopted the hijab, the Muslim head covering. Why, Turnbull asked, was this happening? Because, Obama answered, the Saudis and other Gulf Arabs have funneled money, and large numbers of imams and teachers, into the country … [funding] seminaries that teach the fundamentalist version of Islam.

The “tiny faction” theory of Islamic extremism is also hard to reconcile with the conduct of the country on which the president has placed the biggest bet of his career: Iran.

Not intervening in Syria may have been the toughest decision of Obama’s presidency, but it shrinks to strategic insignificance alongside his deal with Iran to slow down that country’s nuclear-arms program. The president assures Goldberg that he “actually would have” struck Iran’s nuclear facilities if he had seen the Iranians “break out,” or get to the brink of acquiring nuclear weapons. Yet the essence of his deal is that Iran’s breakout has merely been postponed—and Iran’s brazen testing of ballistic missiles in recent days strongly suggests that Tehran sees it that way.

The president may yet prove to be the smartest person in the world, or at least the smartest person in Washington. Perhaps Iran will become more politically liberal in the 10-year life span of the nuclear deal. Perhaps, too, the world will realize that climate change is a more serious, existential threat than, say, Islamic extremism. And perhaps future presidents will thank Obama for his “pivot” to Asia, which reflects his belief that the rise of China is a more important strategic challenge than the disintegration of the Middle East.

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In the words of Defense Secretary Ash Carter, the president “consistently asks, even in the midst of everything else that’s going on, ‘Where are we in the Asia-Pacific rebalance? Where are we in terms of resources?’” We read of a possible U.S. naval base in Vietnam, part of the president’s strategy to check China’s ascendancy in Asia. “If you look at how we’ve operated in the South China Sea,” he tells Goldberg (in language that will not endear him to President Xi Jinping), “we have been able to mobilize most of Asia to isolate China in ways that have surprised China, frankly.”

Goldberg concludes his important and illuminating article by crediting Obama with “a set of potentially historic foreign-policy achievements … the opening to Cuba, the Paris climate-change accord, the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, and … the Iran nuclear deal.” The key word here is “potentially.”

If you think you are smarter than every foreign-policy expert in the room, any room, then it is tempting to make up your own grand strategy. That is what Obama has done, to an extent that even his critics underestimate. There is no “Obama doctrine”; rather, we see here a full-blown revolution in American foreign policy. And this revolution can be summed up as follows: The foes shall become friends, and the friends foes.

In the Middle East, Israel and Saudi Arabia are out, Iran is in. Similarly, in the Far East, China is out, Vietnam is in. As for a special relationship, the president would rather have one with Cuba than Britain. Nothing could better illustrate the extent of Barack Obama’s repudiation of the “foreign-policy establishment.”

Yet grand strategies are judged by their consequences, not by their intentions, and in the Middle East—not to mention North Africa and parts of South Asia—the consequences are not looking pretty.

If the arc of history is in fact bending toward Islamic extremism, sectarian conflict, networks of terrorism, and regional nuclear-arms races, then the 44th president will turn out to have been rather less smart than the foreign-policy establishment he so loftily disdains.


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8 years ago

It can’t come soon enough.

8 years ago
Reply to  wilypagan

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Thomas Faddis
Thomas Faddis
8 years ago
Reply to  BrendaMGuzman

Maybe you could make Real money if you weren’t such a fat & Ugly prostitute, brenda?! Did you used to be a man? If so, it’s still homosexual prostitution you are practicing, so be careful of aids!

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago

hussain the fool will not be remembered, Trivial mistakes are not memorable. He is right in saying he is the smartest person in specific rooms, those with a select congregation of dimwits, dummies and retarded democrats. In normal company, he is in the bottom 20% along with used car salesmen, imams and time share hawkers.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Being forgotten is a hidden curse of evil conduct. People who do evil tend to be forgotten quickly. In the books of famous quotations, none are from Saddam. Of all the tyrants who terrorized ancient Greece, most are forgotten. But the ones who strove for democracy are well-remembered. Mozart has the amazing luxury of being embedded in millions of minds, centuries after his death. So does George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin, and Moses. Obama, not so much.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

obama…??? oh? bam bam the prehistoric baby on the Flintstome cartoon…? no, can’t really say as I remember the name.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Mahou, I disagree. He will be remembered as the man who toppled Jimmy Carter as being the worst president in America’s history.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  Judi

Well, for students of trivia, yes.

8 years ago

The arrogant raised chin that Obama often shows is called “prideful head-tilt” We all tend to do a bit of prideful head-tilt, even if it’s just from winning a poker game.

Obama is a ‘Narcissistic personality disorder’ , and they are very prone to head-tilt. They tend to look down their noses on others, and be snooty, snobbish, superior, pretentious, stuck-up, condescending, haughty, disdainful, supercilious, hoity-toity, high-hatted, high and mighty, and uppity.

When there that many terms to describe something, it means it’s a common problem, and people don’t like it.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

On the street, people would not notice hussain, the only reason he is anything, as he is like the end of a stiff pecker, it goes where pushed.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Well, as Obama has said, he is used to walking down the street, and hearing white people in cars hit their automatic door locks.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

He is like a muslim, you after you have dealt with a few, you know what to expect.

Ron Cole
Ron Cole
8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

It is a mu%%ie – please Mam.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  Ron Cole

ok, will try to remember the@#$!ing in mu@#$%!!lim.

8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

Reminiscent of Mussollini.

8 years ago
Reply to  Judi

Hi again. Yes, totally.

Dr. Doomsday
Dr. Doomsday
8 years ago
Reply to  Judi

..Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Kim Jong Il, Kim Il Jong, Kim Jong Un..

8 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Doomsday

To name but a few!

8 years ago

Pamela Geller:
Have you thought about using Google Translate for websites, so people in other countries can read your website? I know there are many Germans, Swedes, and Dutch who read your website, but only if they can read English fluently. I know they read you, because some German comments start off with, “Nach Pamela Geller…” Which means, “According to Pamela Geller…”

I think Google translate just automatically translates the text, if the capability is enabled. Of course, the machine translation isn’t perfect, but people could make out most of the meaning.

Who could pass up the luxury of being described in France as, “La bloggeuse Islamophobe”? That sounds pretty elegant!

8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

Par exemple, gellerreport.com en français:

8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

Une autre exemple. Pas mal, oui?

Dr. Doomsday
Dr. Doomsday
8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

So, uh, you *can* use translation services on just about any site, without involving the site owners.. Not too sure why you are making a big deal of this. There are even browser plugins that do this on the fly, for the most part.

8 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Doomsday

Dr. Doomsday:
Thanks for your reply. Yes you are correct, it is possible to translate most websites, if one knows how to do it. Google Chrome will do it, but it’s a fiddle with Firefox. Many Europeans use Opera.

My suggestion to Pamela is to make it really easy, with a ‘one click’ process. You know, some websites have little flags on their home page, to easily switch from English to German to French, etc. Some of these sites have real human translations, and others use something like Google Translate.

I was on a Hebrew website the other day, trying to figure out if any of the Hebrew words said ‘English version’. I gave up. Too much hassle.

So if an Israeli came to Pamela’s website, and saw an Israeli flag on her homepage, they could just click on it for Hebrew, without having to decipher the English, or cut and paste text or URLs into Google Translate.

Believe me, people are very hungry for information out there. When conservatives in Mongolia find out that they are part of a global movement, it helps give them strength.

El Cid
El Cid
8 years ago

He’s an idiot. At best, the ‘smartest person in the room’ is a lowly paid adviser to the adviser.

A leader is surrounded by people smarter than himself, and he demonstrates superior emotional intelligence. He is able to get the best work from the best people in each field and he knows instinctively who to follow.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  El Cid

True, those with genuine intelligence and ability always surround themselves with those they see as smarter. The boss does not have to know everything, they merely have to know who does. hussain is clueless, surrounded by below average toadies.

8 years ago

One day . he will be gone from this Earth. I want to be alive when I hear and read about his painful gruesome torture. Oooops. His accidental death

8 years ago

Same here…

Dr. Doomsday
Dr. Doomsday
8 years ago

Obama was arrogant from the jump. He is a narcissist. From this, we can derive all of his failures, which he rejects, because he is a narcissist.

8 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Doomsday

Yes known from his start, but the child still living in your basement elected him.

Dr. Doomsday
Dr. Doomsday
8 years ago
Reply to  farflung

Sorry, don’t have any kids.. wrong assumption!

8 years ago

The ‘arc of history’ will prove Obama a disaster as a president if you’re American or any citizen living in the Western democracies. Elsewhere, he’ll be applauded as the president who handed them the world.

8 years ago

the legacy of Obama: Arrogance+stupidity+Islam=FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 years ago

The anti white, anti Christian, anti American, Marxist, Muslim, Community Organizer in Chief who chooses to run this country’s foreign policy like the New Testament’s ‘Bad Servant’ who gave away his masters resources in hopes of receiving a warm welcome from his master’s debtors when he was eventually jettisoned from his master’s employ. Obama’s foreign policy has been a non stop litany of running from one American enemy to another American foe then on to another American enemy, dropping his trousers and drawers each time before bending over and firmly clasping his ankles, leaving the most tender and vital parts of his anatomy, unprotected and exposed for the enemy to exploit. The last time out performing his little routine, the North Koreans exploded a nuclear device in reply. The following weekend Obama chose to play 27 holes of golf. He must have had the exposed and unprotected most tender and vital parts of his anatomy placed too close to the radiant energy produced by the blast making him unable to sit down.

8 years ago

By my estimate, Obama has an IQ of about 120. That’s well above average, but it is low for a President. For example, all the current Republican candidates still in the Presidential race would probably score about IQ 150 or above, somewhere in the top 5% of the population. Very smart guys.

8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

He might be a tad above average but he couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

8 years ago
Reply to  ljm4

Obama is quite good looking, and his manners and movements are effeminate, but graceful. He has an engaging voice, and is smoothly articulate. He does OK without a teleprompter, as long as he sticks to simple topics that don’t require a lot of thinking.

He does not write well. He tried to write the books that bear his name, but he couldn’t. Computer analyses of the text indicates that Bill Ayers wrote them.

He would not do well in a physical fight, because his smoking, heavy drinking, and crack cocaine use have impaired his lung capacity and stamina. He switched from basketball to golf.

His worst problem is his limited knowledge base. He does not read much, seldom referring to any books or articles he has read. He likes ESPN.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

Articulate, like a blue bottomed monkey.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

I’m trying to do a better job of seeing the whole picture. I want to understand our adversaries better. I want to know how they see things. They must have seen good things about Obama.

For me, the tipping point is Hillary. I cannot figure out why she gets so much support. About 100 million Americans like her. And they cannot all be crazy. I’m not understanding the whole picture.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

hussain and the democrat puppet masters payed the colour card very well getting him elected. If he were not a visible minority, he never would have got nominated. He looks the part, is a mediocre orator, and appeals to the feeble minded who fear being called racist of bigot. Not unlike the stupidity in western europe, where whole cities, like Rotherham sold their underage girls into sex slavery for fear of being called racist or prejudgest. Having talked to a few female hillary supporters, similar thing, they support her because of her gender, not her policies or anything else, Benghazi has no effect on their decision making criteria.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

From what he says and does, iq is not more than 105, if that. He has no problem solving abilities, is uncreative and irresponsible, probably not even average.

8 years ago

Man, as expected of the ignorant racists and bigots of America! He got us out of two wars. Then over threw Quadaffi who was not a threat. Then took sides by fighting Isis, who are no worse than the other Arabs. We were correct in rescuing the Yazids and Kurds. Then there is the Iran deal, not good. Israel relations have been a mixed bag. Obama is no genius. The borders of the US leak, anchor babies, overstayed visas, taking in so many arabs. His legacy is bleak.

Considering that the alternative would be another decade long, trillion dollar war with no strategic value to the US it’s clear Obama chose the better option. Only thing he could have truly done differently would have been to support Assad crushing the rebellion at the outset. Which was the standard MO for the US during the entire Cold War. It should be pretty clear by now that the only thing keeping the extremists in check are brutal dictators. Of course the thing breeding generation after generation of extremists are those same dictators. So damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Same thing with Iran. If we bombed them all that would do is temporarily delay them getting a bomb with a guaranteed certainty that they would definitely build one after getting bombed. Or make a diplomatic deal that would also delay them building one but with the possibility that they won’t go for it afterwards.

It seems clear to me what Obama is doing is avoiding letting the US get sucked into yet another pointless land war that cost lives, cost billions and has no tactical, strategic, political, economic or cultural benefit to the US.

Prove he’s not an American.

If he’s either one, prove it.

You ARE a retarded racist, bigoted, black-hating c-nt. Bar None, pure and simple. If the Republican party hadn’t spent the last 7-8 years trying to convince their base Obama was the evil Marxist Kenyan Muslim who was coming for their guns and was going to destroy America, then Donald Trump very likely would not be atop the polls. And since Obama wasn’t an evil Marxist Kenyan Muslim who confiscated everyone’s guns and destroyed America, it hardly seems like it was a good use of Rubio’s time..

8 years ago
Reply to  dave_cube

Comrade Buraq did say he was about to unleash his truth squads on the internet.
“In war: Resolution: In defeat; Defiance” ‘
‘And any nation or people that didnt follow those rules wouldn’t have to worry about their freedom long, either, for they were sure to lose it’ Winston Churchill
The United States has long ceased being a nation composed of immigrants answering Liberty’s siren call “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”Today, its basically a huddled mass yearning for a benevolent master.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago

“Bibi, you have to understand something,” he tells the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. “I’m the African American son of a single mother, and I live here, in this house. I live in the White House. I managed to get elected president of the United States. You think I don’t understand what you’re talking about, but I do.” Netanyahu may have wondered what exactly in Obama’s biography gives him such insight into the present-day predicament of Israel”. Lets see an interview from his mommy about her little jihadist. hussain was manipulated into the position of power he is figurehead of by big money, who use him like a piggybank, emptying it ever federal budget. He did nothing by himself, he is,was and will always be a tool.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Yes. The quotation comes to mind, “You didn’t build that”. Obama directed that comment toward others. But unfortunately, Obama did not build his own career. It was mostly managed by the Soviets, through the communist party member, Frank Marshal Davis. Other Soviet and then Russian handlers took over once Obama was in Chicago. The Saudis also contributed. Obama’s parents and grandparents were spies.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

hussain is a puppet, like all arrogant tools, he tries to cover up his ineptitude with a coat of whitewash arrogance. On a level field, like when he has to talk to Putin, hussain is used to mop the floor. He cannot think on his feet, without a teleprompter, he is at a total loss for words.

Ron Cole
Ron Cole
8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Amen and valkeryie jarrtits ara bees it’s Puppermeister.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

soros is a 1%er, yet the left ignores him because he pays some of them.

Robert Bayer
Robert Bayer
8 years ago

Barack Obama and his leftist supremacist drug cartel goons are pure evil — and intentionally so … ..and all of this does NOT go away on January 20th, 2017.

Why would anyone this evil want to stop their demonic rampage throughout the world in less than a year without achieving their goals–the destruction of civilization, human rights, democracy and America?

They are not done with the world yet and won’t be till they are taken out or imprisoned.

When their MSM mouthpieces stop moving their lips, then you can assume they are finished–not yet my friends …

8 years ago
Reply to  Robert Bayer

Obama will never give up power willingly.
He, his handlers and cronies are right now planning how to create enough chaos to cancel the next election, imo.

Robert Bayer
Robert Bayer
8 years ago
Reply to  Mike_W20

Think so too!

8 years ago

the next creature we put in there may very well be worse. it wasn’t 8 years ago we had baby Bush II, how soon people forget. Of course baby Bush was good for Israel, and that’s all that counts, right?

8 years ago
Reply to  PIGBERT

PIGLET, Obama releasing $150B to Fascist Iran is good for whom?

And despite the nuke deal, Fascist Iran still calls for death to America.

8 years ago
Reply to  PIGBERT

Baby Piggy, Just to let you know we are proud of George W. Bush and the fact that he was a solid ally with Israel. Maybe when you grow up you will learn this. We can hope you get your facts straight. Baby Piggy, just a suggestion. Why don’t you move to a Muslim country. They would love you to pieces.

8 years ago

“rather less smart” – quite an understatement.

Judah Kidon
Judah Kidon
8 years ago

The Iranians conducted a ballistic missile test just last week. The test is a violation of numerous UNSC resolutions.  Further proof that the Tehran regime still pursues WMDs. 

It makes no sense, none whatsoever, to spend billions on developing ICBMs unless they can carry nuclear warheads. It’s common knowledge, nothing too fancy. 

Obama hasn’t stopped Iran from working on nukes. The deal lets the regime forge ahead without any fear of retribution. 

8 years ago
Reply to  Judah Kidon

HANG all of the ayatollahs and their revolutionary gestapo.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  Judah Kidon

American international diplomacy is non existent, on the surface, in fact, it is week and superficial to facilitate hussain’s muslim masters acquiring the tools they will use to provoke their own destruction. Islam has yet to learn the law of unintended consequences.

8 years ago

when the bulk of the voting populous puts someone like Obama in the top job TWICE you know that country is doomed
America has half of it’s population on welfare or hiding in the shadows.
it’s a rat farm covered with maggots.
game over for people who prefer to work for a living and believe in God

8 years ago
Reply to  BoWhetstone

The Republican bigwigs put up TERRIBLE candidates against Obama.

McCain was too old and tired next to the young Obama.

Romney STOPPED campaigning in the last week or month before the election. Romney threw the match. Romney looked up at his wife as if she were his mother. Romney gets more exercised over Trump than he ever did with Obama.

8 years ago
Reply to  BoWhetstone

you’re mostly right… except that no man can supercede the Lord.

they can only destroy our bodies on this planet, our souls if we join them.

8 years ago

agreed- we must hold on to faith or surely be dammed

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  BoWhetstone

So long as it isn’t islam.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

no worries Meho that’s a given. following islam and allahaha is what happens to people when it is 130 degrees in the shade- bakes their brain.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  BoWhetstone

In the case of muslims, a small brain in a thick skull, it gets overheated, then simmers over night while the bone mass equalizes temperature with ambient air.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

give the weak a desire to rape and pillage just thinking about it. bet Tylenol is a hot item in musiland

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  BoWhetstone

Copulating relieves tension, as male muslims are tense they require the services of livestock to supplement female people.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

the livestock don’t laugh at their dinkydoos either. much preferred to a human

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  BoWhetstone

Yeah, some guys have very sensitive egos, and no sense of humour.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Baaaaahlla Baaaalla

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  BoWhetstone

Was it good for the goat too?

8 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

like the muslim women, goats aren’t allowed pleasure . God, it’s great to be non-muslim!

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  BoWhetstone

Of the many gifts heaven has bestowed on me, not being muslim is one of the best.

8 years ago

I think the right way to eliminate Isis is with armed, unmanned drones. The consistency for Jihad-terror however is based on support for Muhammadism.

Thomas Faddis
Thomas Faddis
8 years ago

He’s certainly the most narcissistic one in the room, Lol!

8 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Faddis

and the gayest.

8 years ago

Man, as expected of the ignorant racists and bigots of America! He got us out of two wars. Then over threw Quadaffi who was not a threat. Then took sides by fighting Isis, who are no worse than the other Arabs. We were correct in rescuing the Yazids and Kurds. Then there is the Iran deal, not good. Israel relations have been a mixed bag. Obama is no genius. The borders of the US leak, anchor babies, overstayed visas, taking in so many arabs. His legacy is bleak.

Considering that the alternative would be another decade long, trillion dollar war with no strategic value to the US it’s clear Obama chose the better option. Only thing he could have truly done differently would have been to support Assad crushing the rebellion at the outset. Which was the standard MO for the US during the entire Cold War. It should be pretty clear by now that the only thing keeping the extremists in check are brutal dictators. Of course the thing breeding generation after generation of extremists are those same dictators. So damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Same thing with Iran. If we bombed them all that would do is temporarily delay them getting a bomb with a guaranteed certainty that they would definitely build one after getting bombed. Or make a diplomatic deal that would also delay them building one but with the possibility that they won’t go for it afterwards.

It seems clear to me what Obama is doing is avoiding letting the US get sucked into yet another pointless land war that cost lives, cost billions and has no tactical, strategic, political, economic or cultural benefit to the US.

If he’s either one, prove it.

You ARE a retarded racist, bigoted, black-hating c-nt. Bar None, pure and simple. If the Republican party hadn’t spent the last 7-8 years trying to convince their base Obama was the evil Marxist Kenyan Muslim who was coming for their guns and was going to destroy America, then Donald Trump very likely would not be atop the polls. And since Obama wasn’t an evil Marxist Kenyan Muslim who confiscated everyone’s guns and destroyed America, it hardly seems like it was a good use of Rubio’s time

8 years ago
Reply to  dave_cube

He was a gay bath house prostitute, you idiot.



8 years ago

Yeah, he’s black, and we all know that “ain’t right” when it comes to you inbred, racist, uneducated, tin foil hat wearing, pricks.

8 years ago
Reply to  dave_cube

He blew rich old white men for drugs… He’s an effing h0m0, you lefty dirtbag.

8 years ago

You rightwing scumbags believe all the conspiracy right wing bullsh-t from the right wing rags and media. I have researched all the claims you have make from many sources. example.about his mother is totally false.

Michele Obama a Man: Debunked

The filth on the right, those Fox News parroting ass clowns are so desperate to smear the President that now they have resorted to taking cheap shot at First Lady Michelle Obama by saying that she’s a man and by proxy implying that President Obama is gay.

These outrageous claims will be thoroughly debunked in this article but let’s say that Mrs Obama is indeed transgendered. In a sane world the question would be “SO WHAT?” but in this hateful Christarded world telling these sort of lies is a big deal. When that drug addicted pedophile Rush Limbaugh called 12 yearold Chelsea Clinton the “Whitehouse dog” he more than crossed the line. When his lowlife ditto heads found his hateful and vulgar remarks amusing it showed just how sick and evil the right wingers truly are.

8 years ago
Reply to  dave_cube

Lol. Listen to you… The more you go on and on the more obvious it is that you know all of this is true about OBAMA.

Ron rockit
Ron rockit
8 years ago

He got us out of two wars. Then over threw Quadaffi who was not a threat. Then took sides by fighting Isis, who are no worse than the other Arabs. We were correct in rescuing the Yazids and Kurds. Then there is the Iran deal, not good. Israel relations have been a mixed bag. Obama is no genius. The borders of the US leak, anchor babies, overstayed visas, taking in so many arabs. His legacy is bleak.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago
Reply to  Ron rockit

obama… oh bamma, owe billons… heard that name somewhere, but just can’t place it, some trivial clown somewhere,

8 years ago

Fascinating article. I read the Goldberg article referred to therein as well. I have always considered myself as being reasonably smart, but I always also believed that their were smarter people out there that would impact on my preparation and decision making, and I always tried to factor in the sage advice of others. Having that respect and approach, I believe, tended to help me make better decisions. I did not vote for Obama in either of his elections. I simply believed that he did not have the business or personal experience and background to either know how to be a leader, nor did he have the thinking ability or personality that I believe is necessary to be the Free World’s leader. Great leaders listen to other intelligent people, and must suppress their inflated belief of themselves, otherwise known as narcissism (the abnormal admiration of oneself), that may adversely impact on one’s ability to chose what options are best. I have always thought of Obama as suffering from uncontrollable narcissism as a result of the influence of his upbringing, and I suspect that this article is right on. Let us hope that we can salvage this country from people like him, and recreate what being AMERICA is all about.

8 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

i’m an aerospace engineer and just when i get the inkling that i’m pretty damn smart i run into someone smarter. every. single. time.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago

You have a genuine indicator of intelligence. hussain, is arrogant and a braggart, the mark of an idiot, low grade.

8 years ago

it’s worse than i thought with obamboozle… being the potus is not like being a ceo in the private sector; there’s no feedback from reality that isn’t filtered or manipulated to give obamboozle his desired result. surround yourself with yes-men as potus and you can destroy a nation- and help the rest of the world down this path- and everyone around you tells you your policies are genius! as a ceo, your top guy’s start jumping ship before you learn the company is going under. big difference and this article highlights this alternate obamaverse.

obamboozle’s delusional and grandiose psyche just reinforces the notion that he’s always the smartest guy in the room… he seems to suffer from a deep anger and a maniacal need for revenge.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
8 years ago

The only way anyone can be the smartest person in the room, is when the occupants acknowledge them as such. Otherwise, those proclaiming it, are merely flatulence filled frogs in suits.

8 years ago

That mahou can’t even surf.

8 years ago

Man, as expected of the ignorant racists and bigots of America! He got us out of two wars. Then over threw Quadaffi who was not a threat. Then took sides by fighting Isis, who are no worse than the other Arabs. We were correct in rescuing the Yazids and Kurds. Then there is the Iran deal, not good. Israel relations have been a mixed bag. Obama is no genius. The borders of the US leak, anchor babies, overstayed visas, taking in so many arabs. His legacy is bleak.

Considering that the alternative would be another decade long, trillion dollar war with no strategic value to the US it’s clear Obama chose the better option. Only thing he could have truly done differently would have been to support Assad crushing the rebellion at the outset. Which was the standard MO for the US during the entire Cold War. It should be pretty clear by now that the only thing keeping the extremists in check are brutal dictators. Of course the thing breeding generation after generation of extremists are those same dictators. So damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Same thing with Iran. If we bombed them all that would do is temporarily delay them getting a bomb with a guaranteed certainty that they would definitely build one after getting bombed. Or make a diplomatic deal that would also delay them building one but with the possibility that they won’t go for it afterwards.

It seems clear to me what Obama is doing is avoiding letting the US get sucked into yet another pointless land war that cost lives, cost billions and has no tactical, strategic, political, economic or cultural benefit to the US.

Prove he’s not an American.

If he’s either one, prove it.

You ARE a retarded racist, bigoted, black-hating c-nt. Bar None, pure and simple. If the Republican party hadn’t spent the last 7-8 years trying to convince their base Obama was the evil Marxist Kenyan Muslim who was coming for their guns and was going to destroy America, then Donald Trump very likely would not be atop the polls. And since Obama wasn’t an evil Marxist Kenyan Muslim who confiscated everyone’s guns and destroyed America, it hardly seems like it was a good use of Rubio’s time!

8 years ago

This has been very enlightening. A millennium ago at the beginning of Barack Hussein Obama’s Royalty it was hard nt to notice that he let others speak for him or ascribe statements attributable to him by others. It gave him the perfect deniability of never haing said something and and redesign policy as a fluid position according to shifting events and polls. One day Obama will want his positions told by others giving validity and believability to a non-truth and he has more than a host of willing conspirators who will do his bidding. Mr Goldberg when Minister Yaahalom openly clearly called out John Kerry as be messianic and Obama put pressure on Israel to make him apologize the Us called it disrespectful. When a high Administration official had you Mr Godberg write a blistering over the top secret official placing all kinds of aspirations against PM Netanyahu the White House at first wouldn’t admit to it. Later after pressure the said the offiicial would be disciplined but never divulged the name. A double standard for Netanyahu versus Obama. Firstly why would you ever print clearly what was Al is about an Ally of the USA it was the President himself who asked you and even then wouldn’t your journalistic ethics scream in your ear this wrong or are you too jaded?
You quoted the President never willing to fight a Muslim Country and the blame he has for the US regarding this. If this is true BHO has allowed Religion to influence his judgement what is best for the US. He should immediately resign as Commander in Chief (President of the USA) He is not Fit

7 years ago

Sometimes I can’t decide if Obama was the Pervert in Chief, the Deviant in Chief or the Jihadists in Chief. Now I think he was all three.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!