'Worst interview of my life': Job candidate calls out unprofessional interviewer after her shows up 30 minutes late and refuses to show interest

'Worst interview of my life': Job candidate calls out unprofessional interviewer after he shows up 30 minutes late and refuses to show interest

Candidates make egregious mistakes during job interviews all the time and face the consequences, but what about the unprofessional recruiters and hiring managers who deserve to be called out? Let's all remember the fact that an interview is a two-way street. Not only are you trying to present yourself as the right fit for a given role, but they should be presenting themselves as the right for you as a potential employer. So often the latter part of this dynamic gets lost as a result of social h…
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Business changes expense policies, loyal employee gets to take cabs everywhere: 'The company just had to pay double'

Business changes expense policies, loyal employee gets to take cabs everywhere: 'The company just had to pay double'

Traveling for work is a way of life in many careers. Jobs often tell you this when you apply for the role, specifying what percentage of the time you'll be on the road. For many workers, this setup is a great way to see a little bit of the world, or just keep them from getting bored of their hometown. This person, u/Bibby_M, has a great setup with their job. Though they live about 38 miles from their job, they only live about 5 miles from the nearest airport. That means that even though they tr…
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'You want me to work ZERO overtime? Sure thing boss': Manager complies with new bogus OT policy, results in team racking up tons of OT hours, manager embarrasses boss in front of CEO: '

'You want me to work ZERO overtime? Sure thing boss': Manager complies with new bogus OT policy, results in team racking up tons of OT hours, manager embarrasses boss in front of CEO

It's a common misconception that cutting overtime hours can be a structurally sound decision for a company. This boss told a call center manager that management was no longer allowed to work overtime. Now despite this new bogus policy, he didn't say anything about the employees that report to management. At the end of every day, this manager tends to check up on his team to help them wrap up their calls and get them out of work on time. This often results in him having to stay after for a littl…
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‘Feel my wrath': Guy hard-resets hotel TV after they try to use parental lock to get him to pay more, sparks thread of other tips and tricks that get around hotel upcharges

‘Feel my wrath': Guy hard-resets hotel TV after they try to use parental lock to get him to pay more, sparks thread of other tips and tricks that get around hotel upcharges

“Cruise ships do this a lot too, especially to block HDMI ports. The great thing is that usually, someone posts online how to get around it….”
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Man reports truck driver for blinding headlights, igniting fierce debate about road etiquette

Man reports truck driver for blinding headlights, igniting fierce debate about road etiquette

Before getting behind the wheel, a driver should exercise additional caution for the safety of other drivers as well as themselves. Therefore, observing the rules and regulations is crucial. Having said that, how would you react if your co-worker blatantly broke one of the most fundamental traffic laws—bright headlights visible from space? In the story below, the driver is agitated and trying to make it to work in one piece. The original poster (OP) describes how he was compelled to report a ca…
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'Don't want to wear pants? Then you can go home': Shopping cart collector takes boss literally after being directed to change clothes

Dress codes plus summer heat can equate to some pretty miserable employees. To start with, a lot of employees already have to wear black uniforms, or at least black pants. Some have to wear a hat or a visor with their hair up, so that does alleviate a bit of the heat. Next up, this manager thought he was being slick when he told his accounting team, “This is mandatory. You WILL attend the trivia contest. ”
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents retail karen-customer customers karen-customers entitled customers entitled people karma karens in the wild entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 26161669

Frustrated customer reveals entitled family's plan to exploit home improvement store and steal product: 'I made sure a pricing error did not occur'

Navigating your way through a crowded store is one of those experiences you won't soon forget, squeezing through cramped aisles between situationally unaware strangers who have made it their prerogative to move as erratically as possible. To make matters worse, you always seem to be in a hurry when this happens, and you need to get in and out as fast as possible while everyone else is moving like the walking dead. As whenever queueing—or any basic social order and decorum—is expected there's al…
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Petty revenge reddit phone company bill collect outstanding funny money-grubbing payback deserved tedious story relatable interesting lol humor

Phone company tries to money-grub a customer over a few cents, then he matches their energy and earns $9 in technicality fees: 'More like 'penny' revenge'

Sometimes the only response to a person's pettiness is to match their energy.
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Infuriated boss tries to get rid of employee after he refuses to answer work calls over the weekend, HR sides with employee: 'This won't happen again'

Infuriated boss tries to get rid of employee after he refuses to answer work calls over the weekend, HR sides with employee: 'This won't happen again'

It's crucial to draw boundaries between life and work, no matter how hard your employer tries to overstep said boundaries. This employee made a simple request for a company phone to use for weekend calls, since it was starting to become quite common that he needed to take work calls outside of normal work hours. His boss denied the severity of the situation and refused to give him the phone. Well, since answering these work calls during unpaid hours was really an act of generosity, the employee…
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Homeowner hires cleaning lady for his house, she refuses to clean if people are present: ‘She wouldn't even let me meet her'

Homeowner hires cleaning lady for his house, she refuses to clean if people are present: ‘She wouldn't even let me meet her'

Some professions require total trust from total strangers, which can become quite a complicated task for people. Hiring a nanny, for example, can be a stressful experience for parents, since they are trusting their children with a person they do not know. This also applies to hiring a cleaning person to clean your home, as you have to trust them while they roam your house in order to clean it. They can easily steal some of your possessions, but you just have to trust that they are loyal and wil…
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‘I kid you not…’: Guy stumbles upon job posting for a position he was rejected for, concocts a plan with the recruiter and lands a 2nd interview with the same manager

‘I kid you not…’: Guy stumbles upon job posting for a position he was rejected for, concocts a plan with the recruiter and lands a 2nd interview with the same manager

"When you show up for your second interview make sure to wear an enormous obviously fake mustache."
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work workplace workplace-drama drama stories manager managers worker employee employees boss bosses supervisor quit fired day-off reddit

Manager threatens to fire an employee for attending his brother's funeral, then the guy rage quits on the spot: ‘I hung up and blocked her’

Whenever managers are short-staffed, they send a mass text message to every employee begging them to come in and work a shift. But when a hardworking employee asks for one measly day off, all of a sudden their baby eyes and good graces go straight out the window…
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'Just when I thought the saga was over…': Professional cleaner records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being the mistress, husband ends up apologizing later

'Just when I thought the saga was over…': Professional cleaner records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being the mistress, husband ends up apologizing later

‘And I have to go back today…’: Professional cleaning lady records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being his mistress, husband ends up apologizing later
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terrible coworkers workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses coworker employment in the workplace - 28096773

Annoying coworker tries to change employee's schedule despite having no authority to do so: 'He’s not a manager and no manager told him to do this'

People will always be willing to better their own situation at the expense of others, whether it's that guy in front of you who sees fit to recline his seat for the entirety of a 15-hour flight despite having no one in front of or next to him, or something like cutting a queue in traffic or manipulating the schedule so that they don't have to work a shift that they find to be inconvenient. Everyone's the hero of their own story, so they, of course, won't see themselves as doing anything wrong.…
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'This is mandatory. You WILL attend the trivia contest': Accounting department rallies against boss who demands they have mandatory fun

'This is mandatory. You WILL attend the trivia contest': Accounting department rallies against boss who demands they have mandatory fun

The mandatory trivia will continue until morale improves! There are differing schools of thought on how much fun employees should really have at work . There are the types of offices that bring in foosball tables and nap pods, and as nice as that sounds, these places tend to overwork their employees. Other workplaces have occasional days out to baseball games, or full-day employee BBQs. These events can be nice for team building, but it requires that the employees take time out of their persona…
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20+ employees confess who their worst coworkers are: 'Nothing is ever their fault and they can't take any constructive criticism'

20+ employees confess who their worst coworkers are: 'Nothing is ever their fault and they can't take any constructive criticism'

Everyone has their pet peeve when it comes to the behavior of your coworkers. Some common attributes of coworkers are, of course, endearing. There's the one who is always too cold and has a sweater on even if it's 80 degrees out. There's the one who has a funny yawn that's easy to imitate. And there's the owner of the cute office dog everyone loves. Then, there's the repeated behavior that can drive you mad. For instance, there are the people who think they appear more professional than they ar…
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