Shape Up with Sherri

Working Out Is Like Brushing Your Teeth

I was teaching at a resort recently and I asked one of the guests if he would like to participate in my fitness class. His response was “No way. I’m on vacation!” I found that to be an odd, although common, response because we should not take a vacation from our health and moving our…

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Health Tests – What’s the Bare Minimum?

It’s important to work closely with your physician to regularly monitor critical health metrics. There are an unlimited number of tests that can be ordered and reviewed so it can easily become overwhelming to know what to focus on. Here is a list of the bare minimum, key metrics you should monitor and discuss with…

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Exercise Snacks May Be Better Than Prolonged Exercise

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for a traditional workout routine can be challenging. Between work, family commitments, and other responsibilities, the idea of setting aside a dedicated block of time for exercise can seem daunting. However, emerging research suggests that incorporating “exercise snacks” into your daily routine could be the key to maintaining a…

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Fiber For Your Health

In the realm of nutrition, there’s one powerhouse that we should all be paying attention to and that’s the power of fiber. It’s one of the reasons that almost every nutrition plan involves increasing your plant intake. Fiber plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being, from aiding digestion to reducing the risk…

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Enhancing Sleep Using the QQRT Protocol

When one commits to adopting a health and fitness plan, they often don’t consider sleep. However, achieving restful and rejuvenating sleep is absolutely crucial for overall health and impacts every aspect of our well-being. Sleep is when our bodies rest, repair and recover and when we experience sleep deprivation, our physical and mental health suffers….

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The Harmful Effects of Smoking

My sister was a smoker and she died from lung cancer at the age of 55. She raised her daughter as a single mother often working two jobs to provide for her and make sure she had a good life. She poured her heart and soul into her daughter and loved her with everything she…

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Core Conditioning Essentials

Neglecting core conditioning can lead to a host of problems, from poor posture to increased risk of injury during daily physical activities and sports. Core stability and mobility are essential for optimal health, overall strength, balance, and functional movement.  In order to have a strong core, we need to work it from all angles and…

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10 Tips for Staying Motivated to Workout

The sun is shining, days are longer and warmer, and many people are experiencing a spring surge in energy! As a result, you’ll notice more people heading to the gym and out running, biking, and walking along the many paths in Clark County. The spring season can jumpstart your motivation to exercise but the key…

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Spring Reset

The spring season offers a perfect opportunity to hit the reset button and embrace a fresh mindset towards our health and well-being.  Spring signifies renewal. It’s a time to shake off the cobwebs of inactivity and reinvigorate ourselves with newfound energy and purpose. Spring beckons us outdoors with its longer days and warmer temperatures. Whether…

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Strengthen Your Feet to Improve Your Health

The human foot and ankle are marvels of engineering. The foot and ankle support the body’s weight, absorbing shock, and provide stability and mobility. We stand and walk on them all day long, we run on them, jump on them, they propel us forward, and they absorb impact. It’s clear that the foot is one…

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