Maybe I can be permitted to pass along the thanks of some of the recipients of your gifts.
I’m willing to wager that it isn’t the amount that’s as important to the recipients as the knowledge that someone cares.
As Andrea said in her post today, this is all about us opening our hearts. Some agree to play the role of gifter, some of recipient, but in the overall journey, it’s all in aid of opening us all up.
Why? So that we can know ourselves as God. Why that? So that God can meet God through a moment of our awakening. In all my life, I only know one thing for certain: that this is the purpose of life.
And to those who sent notes in, your thanks have been delivered. We acknowledge that it isn’t the Hope Chest that has sent these funds; it’s you.
I would like to give a huge THANK YOU AND VIRTUAL HUG for the Hope Chest. I was sent some money in a most dire time and it’s really helpful and thoughtful of everyone at this site to do what you are doing…I love you all so so much and appreciate you beyond belief. Please keep up the good work, and as I have been doing the last year and half, in promoting and sharing the information on this website, I will most definitely keep doing that….love, light, and blessings to all of you that work so hard, we will soon embrace in our new world. J
Thank you, Hope Chest! What a shock! Now I can relax in warm glow of a wall heater – our only source of heat other than a space heater for night use – and not worry about getting sicker! I feel much better today. I’m coming out of the bladder/urinary tract infection finally but I have other issues to deal with. I’ll deal with them one at a time. The financial help takes a HUGE worry off my mind and will help me recover more quickly. God bless ALL!!!! E
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Now we can keep the electricity on for another month, and W can renew his driver’s license which has expired. This gift expands our hope and helps catalyze us to keep on keeping on in this process of transforming our world. Bless you, Hope Chest founders, administrators and donors. W/S
This will pay the gas & electric bill for this month (heat + electricity!)
Thank you so much — I’d SO much rather be donating than asking for help!
And yes, this DOES give me hope that things will get better! Again, bless you! S
Oh, I am so very Grateful and Thankful for you Wonderful People! You have made my Children and I so Very Happy! This is like a Miracle, you have no idea how much this means to us! Thank You, Thank You,
Thank You! A
Truly you are angels of mercy, kindness, and love!!! Your assistance today to help us possibly keep our home had us jump for joy! I know in my heart this being a Lightworker is the kind of work I came here to do. I pray that the world will continue to see our value as more become awakened! Perhaps then I will do more than just hang on by a thread!
Thank you for helping us eat and survive another month here!!
Many Thanks and Divine Love from our hearts to yours, B
Oh my goddess/god,
Thank you so much, loving people…. this is so helpful! J
My deepest heartfelt love and thanksgiving to every helping heart who made my life easier because of your help and generosity. You are all miracle workers of Light and Love! Great gratitude to everyone who has blessed my life. A very special Thank You to my Beloved Archangel Michael also!!! F
Thank you so much for this gift! This is such a seeding of true prosperity…I will be contributing to your fund soon.
I cannot express adequately what a blessing this gesture is…
The Golden Age is here. In every moment and every breath we are truly blessed. Wow! P
Thank you so very much Hope Chest Team. Can’t wait till I’m in a position to donate.
You are all blessed! S
Wow!!! Thank you soooooooo much!!! I truly appreciate this from the bottom of my heart!!!!! I will definitely pay this forward on my journey!!!! Thank you!!!! Love and Light!!! J
Dear Casey,
Thank you very much for this outpouring of Love and 3D financial Hope.
I appreciate you, I Love You, Casey, B
Dear People from the Hope Chest,
Thank you, thank you, and thank you again!
Much love and light to you for this immense gesture of hope. Wow! And so swiftly too. I’m at a loss for words
My utmost gratitude to you!
If I can be of any help in this humanitarian endeavour, please count me in.
THANK YOU very much this will pay for our water bill (they almost shut us off) and pay part of our electric bill, you are all Angels! I can’t wait until it’s time for us to give back! Right now all I have is lots of LOVE and here’s a big HUG!! JG
Dear Hope Chest, I would like to say a big thank you for the gift you have given me. Not only have you helped me but you have helped my baby also. I am truly grateful for your kindness and of course the people who donated. Love to all of you xxxxx S
I’m at a loss as to how to put into words what your donation means to me. I can’t Thank You enough with words so I will turn it into a story shortly. In the meantime, I want you to know that what you did for me is so much more than helping me with my heating bill!
In this Journey of Spiritual Awakening I have had many “uncomfortable” moments in doing the work required to get to a better place. It’s been a process of overcoming so many things from my past but, believe it or not, the hardest part has been allowing myself to Learn how to Receive Love. This seems such a simple thing and I don’t wish to go into “victim” mentality but I will say to you that I had an abusive childhood and felt “unworthy” of all the Joyful Treasures that Life has to offer. As this “financial” burden began to set in fully I began to lose my way a bit as I began to feel “hopeless” which is really just fear rearing it’s ugly head, right? As this feeling of “fear” set in I felt myself beginning to fall into a very familiar pattern because fear is a place that I used to live and I know it very well as it’s been with me from the moment I can recall my very first thought in this Life and it’s the last place I wish to return. So, for me, The Hope Chest is just that…a place where I Received more than the heat I wish to have to keep us warm but also an intense warming of my Heart and Soul. A new outlook to pull me from this place of fear that was beginning to take hold of me as I began to flail trying to pull myself out. A new Optimism in knowing I’m not alone. A fresh perspective that things will be okay and that I’m Worthy of a great many things and have a great deal to Give. A feeling of being Seen when I started to feel as if I was “disappearing” again. Inspiration. Peace. Joy. Love. And of course…Hope!
Please know that what you have done for me will never be forgotten! Please know that I AM Forever Grateful! Thank You for looking out for me and it fills me with Joy thinking about the day when I can also look out for You! Thank You for Blessing me with this Gift of Love…the Gifts come over and over if I allow myself to Receive them! J