Installing FeedBlitz on Blogger

This guide is designed to give you step by step instruction on how to install FeedBlitz on Blogger Beta. Before you begin, be sure you know how/where to get the HTML code for the registration box. If you dont know how to get this code, you can find help here.

Step 1 - Log into Blogger

Blogger Login Screen
Naturally, the first step is to log into Blogger. For those who do not know, go to and look towards the top for the log in box. Put in your username and password, click sign in and youll be taken to the Blogger Dashboard.

Step 2 - Inside Blogger's Dashboard

Blogger Dashboard
Blogger's Dashboard shows you the diffrent blogs associated with your account and some links on how to manage them. Click on the Layout link that is located to the right of the little icon of a cog.

Step 3 - Add New Element

Blogger Layout Editor
Welcome to the Blogger layout editor. This is where you can add/edit the elements of your blog. Click on link that says Add a Page Element in the dashed box. This will bring up a pop-up that you will continue in.

Step 4 - Choose Element Type

Blogger Layout Editor: New Element
The pop-up will bring up the a menu of diffrent choices. These are diffrent types of elements you can add to your blog's template. Click Add To Blog under the HTML/JavaScript portion.

Step 4 - Add Code

Blogger Layout Editor: Add Code
Remember you needed to know how to get your FeedBlitz code? This is where it needs to go. Put in a title for this page element. For example, I put FeedBlitz (makes sense to me). Paste the code in the Content box. You can even paste the code for the reader counter chicklet here so you can show off the amount of subscribers to your blog. Click on Save Changes and you are done.

Step 5 - Final Notes

Final Product
When all is done, you can preview your blog to look at your new fancy FeedBlitz widget. If you go back to the Layout manager, you can drag each of the element boxes to change their order to better suit your needs.

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